
Submissions from 1994

Proving Ownership, Gary S. Lawson


The Constitutional Case Against Precedent, Gary S. Lawson

The Rise and Rise of the Administrative State, Gary S. Lawson


The Rise and Rise of the Administrative State, Gary S. Lawson

The Ironies of Partyism and Antipartyism: Origins of Partisan Political Culture in Jacksonian Illinois, Gerald F. Leonard


Radical Resisters, David B. Lyons

Review of Philosophical Anarchism and Political Disobedience by Chaim Gans, David B. Lyons

The Balance of Injustice and the War for Independence, David B. Lyons

Compensation for Research Injuries, Wendy K. Mariner


Outcomes Assessment in Health Care Reform: Promise and Limitations, Wendy K. Mariner

Patients' Rights After Health Care Reform: Who Decides What is Medically Necessary?, Wendy K. Mariner

Patients' Rights to Care Under Clinton's Health Security Act: The Structure of Reform, Wendy K. Mariner


Discontinuities, Causation, and Grady's Uncertainty Theorem, Stephen G. Marks

Curbing Agency Problems in the Procurement Process by Protest Oversight, Robert Marshall, Michael J. Meurer, and Jean-Francois Richard

Litigation Settlement and Collusion, Robert Marshall, Michael J. Meurer, and Jean-Francois Richard


Multiple Litigants with a Public Good Remedy, Robert Marshall, Michael J. Meurer, and Jean-Francois Richard

Numerical Analysis of Asymmetric First Price Auctions, Robert Marshall, Michael J. Meurer, Jean-Francois Richard, and Stromquist Walter

Equality, Oppression, and Abortion: Women Who Oppose Abortion Rights in the Name of Feminism, Linda C. McClain


Rights and Irresponsibility, Linda C. McClain

Informative Advertising and Product Match, Michael J. Meurer and Dale Stahl

Doctors' Conflicts of Interest (& Altruism) in the United States and Great Britain, Frances H. Miller

Health Insurance Purchasing Alliances: Monopsony Threat or Procompetitive Rx for Health Sector Ills?, Frances H. Miller

Infant Resuscitation, A US/UK Divide, Frances H. Miller

Genetic Blueprints, Employer Cost-Cutting, and the Americans with Disabilities Act, Frances H. Miller and Philip A. Huvos

Expanding Duties of Attorneys to 'Non-Clients': Reconceptualizing the Attorney-Client Relationship in Entity Representation and Other Inherently Ambiguous Situations, Nancy J. Moore