Submissions from 1993
Corporate Management of Chemical Accident Risks, Michael S. Baram and Patricia S. Dillon
Human Gene Therapy: Technological Temptations and Social Control, Michael S. Baram, Susan Proctor, Robert Andalman, and Diderico Van Eyl
The Supreme Court's Narrow View on Civil Rights, Jack M. Beermann
Supreme Court's Tilt to the Property Right: Procedural Due Process Protections of Liberty and Property Interests, Jack M. Beermann, Barbara A. Melamed, and Hugh F. Hall
The Social Origins of Property, Jack M. Beermann and Joseph William Singer
Foreword: Two Visions of the Nature of Man, Steven G. Calabresi and Gary S. Lawson
Throwing Stones at the Mudbank: The Impact of Scholarship on Administrative Law, Ronald A. Cass and Jack M. Beermann
Defendants' Brief in the School Finance Case: McDuffy v. Robertson: An Excerpt and a Summary, Mary Connaughton
A Suggestion for Taxing Social Security Benefits, Alan L. Feld
The Indivisible Tax Gift, Alan L. Feld
Just the Facts, Ma'am: Lying and the Omission of Exculpatory Evidence in Police Reports,, Stanley Z. Fisher
Constructing the Substantive Constitution, James E. Fleming
Bank Powers to Sell Annuities, Tamar Frankel
The Legal Infrastructure of Markets: The Role of Contract and Property Law Essay, Tamar Frankel
A Property Right in Self-Expression: Equality and Individualism in the Natural Law of Intellectual Property, Wendy J. Gordon
Preface: Symposium on Intellectual Property Law Theory, Wendy J. Gordon
Truth and Consequences: The Force of Blackmail's Central Case, Wendy J. Gordon
Age-Based Incentives, Coercion, and the Prospective Waiver of ADEA Rights: The Failure of the Older Workers' Benefit Protection Act, Michael C. Harper
Tribute to Professor Austin T. Stickells, Neil S. Hecht
Asymmetric Information and the Selection of Disputes for Litigation, Keith N. Hylton
Efficiency and Labor Law, Keith N. Hylton
Fee Shifting and Incentives to Comply with the Law, Keith N. Hylton
Litigation Cost Allocation Rules and Compliance with the Negligence Standard, Keith N. Hylton
When Courts Refuse to Frame the Law and Others Frame It to Their Will, Susan P. Koniak
Modern Jewish Women: Between the Two Mehizas, Pnina Lahav