
Submissions from 2025


Automatic Reaction - What Happens to Workers at Firms that Automate?, James Bessen, Maarten Goos, Anna Salomons, and Wiljan van den Berge


Corporate Scenarios: Drawing Lessons from History, Madison Condon


Reply Brief for Plaintiff-Appellant, Jane Roe v. Marshall University Board of Governors, Ryan M. Donovan, J. Zak Ritchie, Madeline H. Meth, Gregory Bowe, Erin Hunter, and Sarah Monahan

Foreign Judges and Foreign Case Citations: A Study of the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal, Nuno Garoupa and Weijia Rao

A Duty of Loyalty for Emotion Data, Woodrow Hartzog and Neil Richards


Gig Work at What Cost? Exploring Privacy Risks of Gig Work Platform Participation in the U.S., Amogh Pradeep, Johanna Gunawan, Álvaro Feal, Woodrow Hartzog, and David Choffnes


Preventing Unjust Enrichment and Copyright Opportunism: An Equitable Interpretation of Section 103(a), Pamela Samuelson and Jessica Silbey


How Theories of Art Can Inform Debates About AI, Jessica Silbey


Petition for Initial Hearing En Banc, United States v. Michael Norwood, Becca Steinberg, Brian Wolfman, Regina Wong, Madeline H. Meth, Sara Brizio, Elizabeth Brownstein, and Shreya Sarin


When Anti-Fraud Laws Become a Barrier to Computer Science Research, Madelyne Xiao, Andrew Sellars, and Sarah Scheffler

Submissions from 2024


How Bad is Bad Enough?: Gatekeeping a Tenant's Right to 100% Habitable Housing, Sean Ahern


Book Review: Hidden in Plain Sight: Redefining the Field of National Security, Aziza Ahmed


The Price of Consent, Zohra Ahmed


DCI Submission to the Brazil Ministry of Economy on the Economic and Competitive Aspects of Digital Platforms, Pinar Akman, Stephen Dnes, Keith N. Hylton, Bowman Heiden, Constance Hiatt, Nicolas Petit, Jennifer Pullen, and Annika Stohr


Implementing an EU pull incentive for antimicrobial innovation and access: blueprint for action, Michael Anderson, Adrian Towse, Kevin Outterson, and Elias Mossialos

The time to address the antibiotic pipeline and access crisis is now, Manica Balasegaram, Kevin Outterson, and John-Arne Røttingen


Human Rights in Hospitals: an End to Routine Shackling, Neil Singh Bedi, Nisha Mathur, Judy D. Wang, Avital Rech, Nancy Gaden, George J. Annas, and Sondra S. Crosby


Chevron Deference Is Dead, Long Live Deference, Jack M. Beermann


Keynote Address: "Attacking and Defending the Administrative State", Jack M. Beermann


Loper Bright and the Future of Chevron Deference, Jack M. Beermann


The Anti-Innovation Supreme Court: Major Questions, Delegation, Chevron and More, Jack M. Beermann


The Intangible Divide: Why Do So Few Firms Invest in Innovation?, James Bessen and Xiupeng Wang


Employer-Sponsored Reproduction, Valarie Blake and Elizabeth McCuskey

Should Current Laws Be Revised to Address Occupational Hazards Caused by Hand-Tool Size Mismatch Among Surgeons?, Anna Braman, Christopher Robertson, and Louise P. King


Beyond "Hard" Skills: Teaching Outward - and Inward-Facing Character-Based Skills to 1Ls in Light of ABA Standard 303(B)(3)'s Professional Identity Requirement, Marni Goldstein Caputo and Kathleen Luz