Submissions from 1995
The Raison d'Etre of International Commercial Arbitration, William W. Park
Crime in the Year Books, David J. Seipp
Nonprofit Hospital Mergers and Section 7 of the Clayton Act: Closing an Antitrust Loophole, Laura Stephens
Submissions from 1994
Asking the Courts to Set the Standard of Emergency Care - The Case of Baby K, George J. Annas
Death by Prescription, George J. Annas
Informed Consent, Cancer, and Truth in Prognosis, George J. Annas
Margaret Somerville: A Refreshing Challenge, George J. Annas
Scientific Evidence in the Courtroom: The Death of the Frye Rule, George J. Annas
When Should Preventive Treatment Be Paid for by Health Insurance?, George J. Annas
The Empire of Death: How Culture and Economics Affect Informed Consent in the U.S., the U.K., and Japan, George J. Annas and Frances H. Miller
Multinational Corporations, Private Codes, and Technology Transfer for Sustainable Development, Michael S. Baram
The New Environment for Protecting Corporate Information, Michael S. Baram
Divorce and Redemption, Alan L. Feld
We the Exceptional American People, James E. Fleming
Presumptions and Burdens of Proof as Tools for Legal Stability and Change, Tamar Frankel
The Pros and Cons of a Self-Regulatory Organization for Advisers and Mutual Funds, Tamar Frankel
Assertive Modesty: An Economics of Intangibles, Wendy J. Gordon
Counter-Manifesto: Student-Edited Reviews and the Intellectual Properties of Scholarship, Wendy J. Gordon
Virtual Reality, Appropriation, and Property Rights in Art: A Roundtable Discussion, Wendy J. Gordon
Enforcing Coasian Bribes for Non-Price Benefits: A New Role for Restitution, Wendy J. Gordon and Tamar Frankel
Mandated Access: Commensurability and the Right to Say 'No', Wendy J. Gordon and Anne E. Gowen
An Economic Theory of the Duty to Bargain, Keith N. Hylton
Review of Agenda for Reform: The Future of Employment Relationships and the Law. by William B. Gould, IV., Keith N. Hylton
The Jewish Persona in Legal Discourse, Pnina Lahav