
Submissions from 1994


Presumptions and Burdens of Proof as Tools for Legal Stability and Change, Tamar Frankel


The Pros and Cons of a Self-Regulatory Organization for Advisers and Mutual Funds, Tamar Frankel


Assertive Modesty: An Economics of Intangibles, Wendy J. Gordon


Counter-Manifesto: Student-Edited Reviews and the Intellectual Properties of Scholarship, Wendy J. Gordon


Systemische und fallbezogene Losungsansatze fur Marktversagen bei Immaterialgutern (Systemic and Case-by-Case Responses to Failures in Markets for Tangible Goods), Wendy J. Gordon


Virtual Reality, Appropriation, and Property Rights in Art: A Roundtable Discussion, Wendy J. Gordon


Enforcing Coasian Bribes for Non-Price Benefits: A New Role for Restitution, Wendy J. Gordon and Tamar Frankel


Mandated Access: Commensurability and the Right to Say 'No', Wendy J. Gordon and Anne E. Gowen


An Economic Theory of the Duty to Bargain, Keith N. Hylton

Review of Agenda for Reform: The Future of Employment Relationships and the Law. by William B. Gould, IV., Keith N. Hylton

The Jewish Persona in Legal Discourse, Pnina Lahav

Proving Ownership, Gary S. Lawson


The Constitutional Case Against Precedent, Gary S. Lawson

The Rise and Rise of the Administrative State, Gary S. Lawson


The Rise and Rise of the Administrative State, Gary S. Lawson

The Ironies of Partyism and Antipartyism: Origins of Partisan Political Culture in Jacksonian Illinois, Gerald F. Leonard


Radical Resisters, David B. Lyons

Review of Philosophical Anarchism and Political Disobedience by Chaim Gans, David B. Lyons

The Balance of Injustice and the War for Independence, David B. Lyons

Compensation for Research Injuries, Wendy K. Mariner


Outcomes Assessment in Health Care Reform: Promise and Limitations, Wendy K. Mariner

Patients' Rights After Health Care Reform: Who Decides What is Medically Necessary?, Wendy K. Mariner

Patients' Rights to Care Under Clinton's Health Security Act: The Structure of Reform, Wendy K. Mariner


Discontinuities, Causation, and Grady's Uncertainty Theorem, Stephen G. Marks

Curbing Agency Problems in the Procurement Process by Protest Oversight, Robert Marshall, Michael J. Meurer, and Jean-Francois Richard