Submissions from 1993
Rights and Democracy, the Court's Performance, Pnina Lahav
The Jewish Perspective in International Law, Pnina Lahav
"When the Palliative Simply Impairs": The Debate in the Knesset on the Law for Women's Rights, Pnina Lahav
Thayer Versus Marshall, Gary S. Lawson
The 'Proper' Scope of Federal Power: A Jurisdictional Interpretation of the Sweeping Clause, Gary S. Lawson
Normal Law, Nearly Just Societies, and Other Myths of Legal Theory, David B. Lyons
Rights Revisited, David B. Lyons
Distinguishing "Exploitable" from "Vulnerable" Populations: When Consent Is Not The Issue, Wendy K. Mariner
Incentive-Based Procurement Oversight by Protest, Robert Marshall, Michael J. Meurer, and Jean-Francois Richard
Malpractice Liability and Physician Autonomy, Frances H. Miller
The Reception of Canon Law and Civil Law in the Common Law Courts Before 1600, David J. Seipp
Foreword to an Interview with Fred Korematsu, Larry Yackle
Parading Ourselves: Freedom of Speech at the Feast of St. Patrick, Larry Yackle
The Habeas Hagioscope, Larry Yackle
Submissions from 1992
Adding Injustice to Injury - Compulsory Payment for Unwanted Treatment, George J. Annas
Changing the Consent Rules for Desert Storm, George J. Annas
Health Warnings, Smoking, and Cancer - The Cipollone Case, George J. Annas
Risky Business: Setting Public Health Policy for HIV-infected Health Care Professionals, George J. Annas
Setting Standards for the Use of DNA-Typing Results in the Courtroom - The State of the Art, George J. Annas
The Changing Landscape of Human Experimentation: Nuremberg, Helsinki, and Beyond, George J. Annas
The Supreme Court, Liberty, and Abortion, George J. Annas
Using Genes to Define Motherhood - The California Solution, George J. Annas
Foreword: The Constitution of Responsibility, Steven G. Calabresi and Gary S. Lawson
Equity and Hierarchy: Reflections on the Harris Execution, Steven Calabresi and Gary S. Lawson