
Submissions from 2017


Decomposing the “Tacit Knowledge Problem:” Codification of Knowledge and Access in CRISPR Gene-Editing, Neil Thompson and Samantha Zyontz


Legal Language: Expansion, Consolidation, Resistance, Robert L. Tsai


Review of Bind Us Apart: How Enlightened Americans Invented Racial Segregation by Nicholas Guyatt, Robert L. Tsai


Do Economic Conditions Drive DIP Lending?: Evidence from the Financial Crisis, Frederick Tung


Decreasing Smoking but Increasing Stigma? Anti-tobacco Campaigns, Public Health, and Cancer Care, Michael Ulrich


Guardianship and Clinical Research Participation: The Case of Wards with Disorders of Consciousness, Michael Ulrich


Rise of the Digital Regulator, Rory Van Loo

End (Finally) the BOLI and COLI Tax Subsidy, David I. Walker


The Practice and Tax Consequences of Nonqualified Deferred Compensation, David I. Walker

When Religion Pollutes: How Should Law Respond When Religious Practice Threatens Public Health?, Jay D. Wexler

Submissions from 2016


Adjudicating Risk: AIDS, Crime, and Culpability, Aziza Ahmed

Dealing in Desire: Asian Ascendancy, Western Decline, and the Hidden Currencies of Sex Work. By Kimberly Kay Hoang. Oakland: University of California Press, 2015. Cosmopolitan Sex Workers: Women and Migration in a Global City. By Christine B. N. Chin. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. Street Corner Secrets: Sex, Work, and Migration in the City of Mumbai. By Svati P. Shah. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2014., Aziza Ahmed


Criminal Laws on Sex Work and HIV Transmission: Mapping the Laws, considering the Consequence, Aziza Ahmed, Sienna Baskin, and Anna Forbes


Sales Suppression: The International Dimension, Richard Thompson Ainsworth

VAT Fraud Mutation, Part 1: "Push" Missing Trade Fraud and Dosanjh, Richard Thompson Ainsworth

VAT Fraud Mutation, Part 2: CITIBank as a Transition, Richard Thompson Ainsworth

VAT Fraud Mutation, Part 3: "Pull" Missing Trader Fraud and Deutsche Bank, Richard Thompson Ainsworth


Zappers - Technological Tax Fraud in New Hampshire, Richard Thompson Ainsworth


GCC VAT: The Intra-Gulf Trade Problem, Richard Thompson Ainsworth and Musaad Alwohaibi


VAT in the GCC - Missing Trader Frauds, Richard Thompson Ainsworth and Musaad Alwohaibi


VATCoin: The GCC's Cryptotaxcurrency, Richard Thompson Ainsworth, Musaad Alwohaibi, and Mike Cheetham


Blockchain (Distributed Ledger Technology) Solves VAT Fraud, Richard Thompson Ainsworth and Andrew Shact


Ebola and Human Rights: Post-9/11 Public Health and Safety in Epidemics, George J. Annas

(Public) Health and Human Rights in Practice, George J. Annas and Wendy K. Mariner


A New Social Contract for Governing Industrial Risk in the Community, Michael S. Baram