Submissions from 2016
Reading DeBoer and Obergefell through the "Moral Readings Versus Originalisms" Debate: From Constitutional "Empty Cupboards" to Evolving Understandings, Linda C. McClain
The Family, the State, and American Political Development as a Big Tent: Asking Basic Questions about Basic Institutions, Linda C. McClain
Body of Preemption: Health Law Traditions and the Presumption against Preemption, Elizabeth McCuskey
Submerged Precedent, Elizabeth McCuskey
Bargaining Failure and Failure to Bargain, Michael J. Meurer
Current Issues in Patent Law and Policy, Michael J. Meurer
Panel 2: Types of Litigation Funding, Geoffrey P. Miller, Maya Steinitz, Joshua Schwadron, Bradley Wendel, Michael Faure, Jef De Mot, and Travis Lenkner
Foreword, Nancy J. Moore
Friedrichs and the Move Toward Private Ordering of Public Employee Wages and Benefits, Maria O'Brien
Introduction to Thinking about a Post-ACA World: Litigation, Cost Shifting and Enforcement of Statutory Rights, Maria O'Brien
The Trauma of the Routine: Lessons on Cultural Trauma from the Emmett Till Verdict, Angela Onwuachi-Willig
Brief of Amici Curiae NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund, Inc.; Legal Aid Society — Employment Law Center; Professor D. Wendy Greene; and Professor Angela Onwuachi-Willig in Support of Plaintiff/Appellant's Petition for Rehearing En Banc, Angela Onwuachi-Willig and D. Wendy Greene
Race and Reform in Twenty-First Century America: Foreword, Angela Onwuachi-Willig, Trina Jones, and Guy-Uriel Charles
Evaluation of Iowa’s Anti-Bullying Law, Angela Onwuachi-Willig, Marizen Ramirez, Corinne Peek-Asa, and Joseph Cavanaugh
The "Law" and "Spirit" of the Accreditation Process in Legal Education, Maureen A. O'Rourke
Progress in the Fight Against Multidrug Resistant Bacteria?: A Review of FDA-Approved Antibiotics 2010-2015, Kevin Outterson
International Cooperation to Improve Access to and Sustain Effectiveness of Antimicrobials, Kevin Outterson, Christine Årdal, Steven Hoffman, Abdul Ghafur, Mike Sharland, Nisha Ranganathan, Richard Smith, Anna Zorzet, Jennifer Cohn, Didier Pittet, Nils Daulaire, Chantal Morel, Zain Rizvi, Manica Balasegaram, Osman Dar, David Heymann, Alison Holmes, Luke Moore, Ramanan Laxminarayan, Marc Mendelson, and John-Arne Røttingen
Delinking Investment in Antibiotic Research and Development from Sales Revenues: The Challenges of Transforming a Promising Idea into Reality, Kevin Outterson, Unni Gopinathan, Charles Clift, Anthony So, Chantal Morel, and John-Arne Røttingen
An International Legal Framework to Address Antimicrobial Resistance, Kevin Outterson, Steven J. Hoffman, John-Arne Rottingen, Otto Cars, Charles Clift, Fiona Rotberg, Göran Tomson, Anna Zorzet, and Zain Rizvi
Funding Antibiotic Innovation with Vouchers: Recommendations on How to Strengthen A Flawed Incentive Policy, Kevin Outterson and Anthony McDonnell
Antibiotic Reimbursement in a Model Delinked from Sales: A Benchmark-based Worldwide Approach, Kevin Outterson and John Rex
Fidelity to Contractual Commitments in Commercial Arbitration: Contract Language and Changed Circumstances, William W. Park
A Study on Immigrant Activism, Secure Communities, and Rawlsian Civil Disobedience, Karen Pita Loor
Taking Trust Seriously in Privacy Law, Neil Richards and Woodrow Hartzog
An Assessment of the Human Subjects Protection Review Process for Exempt Research, Christopher Robertson