Submissions from 2016
Judging Opportunity Lost: Race-based Affirmative Action and Equality Jurisprudence After Fisher v. University of Texas, Mario Barnes, Angela Onwuachi-Willig, and Erwin Chemerinsky
The Role of the Courts in Creating Racial Identity in Early New Orleans, Jack M. Beermann
Litigation: Time to Revisit Chevron Difference, Jack M. Beermann, Charles J. Cooper, Thomas W. Merrill, Amy Wildermuth, and Don R. Wildermouth
Accounting for Rising Corporate Profits: Intangibles or Regulatory Rents?, James Bessen
How Computer Automation Affects Occupations: Technology, Jobs, and Skills, James Bessen
Information Technology and Learning On-the-Job, James Bessen
Knowledge Sharing Among Inventors: Some Historical Perspectives, James Bessen and Alessandro Nuvolari
Class-Based Affirmative Action, or the Lies that We Tell About the Insignificance of Race, Khiara Bridges
The Privacy Policymaking of State Attorneys General, Danielle K. Citron
“Government by Injunction,” Legal Elites, and the Making of the Modern Federal Courts, Kristin Collins
Brief Amici Curiae of Professors of History, Political Science, and Law in Support of Respondent, Kristin Collins, Catherine E. Stetson, and Jessica K. Jacobs
Reconsidering the Tax Treaty, Steven Dean and Rebecca M. Kysar
Big Questions Comparative Law, Anna di Robilant
Bullying and Opportunism in Trademark and Right-of-Publicity Law, Stacey Dogan
The Right of Publicity: A Cautionary Tale from the United States, Stacey Dogan
The Role of Design Choice in Intellectual Property and Antitrust Law, Stacey Dogan
Federal Taxation of State Tax Credits, Alan L. Feld
Whither the "Improvement Standard"? Coverage for Severe Brain Injury after Jimmo v. Sebelius, Joseph Fins, Megan Wright, Claudia Kraft, Alix Rogers, Marina Romani, Samantha Godwin, and Michael Ulrich
Fidelity to Our Imperfect Constitution: A Reply to Six Views, James E. Fleming
Rewriting Romer: From Illegitimate Emotions to Inadequate Reasons, James E. Fleming
The Moral Reading as a Practice: A Response to Three Comments on Fidelity to Our Imperfect Constitution, James E. Fleming
FDA's Troubling Failures to Use Its Authority to Regulate Genetically Modified Foods, Leslie Francis, Robin Kundis Craig, and Erika George
A Story of Three Bank-Regulatory Legal Systems: Contract, Financial Management Regulation, and Fiduciary Law, Tamar Frankel
International Human Rights: Legal, Political, and Policy Framework Applicable to the Extractive Industries, Erika George
Copyright and Tort as Mirror Models: On Not Mistaking for the Right Hand What the Left Hand is Doing, Wendy J. Gordon