Submissions from 2017
Optimal Remedies for Patent Infringement, Keith N. Hylton and Mengxi Zhang
Co-Belligerency, Rebecca Ingber
Interpretation Catalysts in Cyberspace, Rebecca Ingber
The Second Amendment & Private Law, Cody Jacobs
Comment on Brewer: Form and Content in Legal Proof (or Why Everybody Wins - Or at Least Gets a Participation Trophy), Gary S. Lawson
Confronting Crawford: Justice Scalia, the Judicial Method, and the Limits(?) of Originalism, Gary S. Lawson
Did Justice Scalia Have a Theory of Interpretation?, Gary S. Lawson
Original Foreign Affairs Federalism, Gary S. Lawson
Representative/Senator Trump?, Gary S. Lawson
Take the Fifth... Please!: The Original Insignificance of the Fifth Amendment's Due Process of Law Clause, Gary S. Lawson
Wealth Concentration, Racial Subordination, and Political Corruption, David B. Lyons
The Prophylactic Fifth Amendment, Tracey Maclin
Exploring the Meaning of Experiential Deaning, Peggy Maisel, Margaret Martin Barry, Robert Dinerstein, Phyllis Goldfarb, and Linda Morton
POV: SCOTUS Should Not Permit “Boycott of Same-Sex Marriage”, Linda C. McClain
Will Focusing on Men's Moral Calculus Make Abortion Less "about" Gender?, Linda C. McClain
Agency Imprimatur & Health Reform Preemption, Elizabeth McCuskey
Paying for Attendance: Using Incentives to Combat Chronic Absenteeism, Madeline H. Meth
Understanding the Failure of Health-Care Exceptionalism in the Supreme Court's Obamacare Decision, Abigail Moncrieff
Restating International Torts: Problems of Process and Substance in the ALI's Third Restatement of Torts, Nancy J. Moore
The Future of Law as a Profession, Nancy J. Moore
Recoupment of Pension Overpayments: Equitable Liens and Meaningful Reform After Montanile, Maria O'Brien and Jeanne Medeiros
Extending the Normativity of the Extended Family: Reflections on Moore v. City of East Cleveland, Angela Onwuachi-Willig
Policing the Boundaries of Whiteness: The Tragedy of Being “Out of Place” from Emmett Till to Trayvon Martin, Angela Onwuachi-Willig
The Promise of Lutie A. Lytle: An Introduction to the Tenth Annual Commemorative Lutie A. Lytle Black Women Law Faculty Workshop Iowa Law Review Issue, Angela Onwuachi-Willig
Anti-bullying Policies and Disparities in Bullying: A State-Level Analysis, Angela Onwuachi-Willig, Mark Hatzenbuehler, Javier Flores, and Joesph Cavanaugh