Submissions from 2017
The Unnecessary and Unfortunate Focus on "Animus," "Base Desire to Harm," and "Bigotry" in Amalyzing Opposition to Gay and Lesbian Rights, James E. Fleming
Towards Patent Standardization, Janet Freilich and Jay P. Kesan
Recognizing Women's Rights at Work: Health and Women Workers in Global Supply Chains, Erika George, Candace D. Gibson, Rebecca Sewall, and David Wofford
Data Collection and the Regulatory State, Ahmed Ghappour
Searching Places Unknown: Law Enforcement Jurisdiction on the Dark Web, Ahmed Ghappour
Tallinn, Hacking, and Customary International Law, Ahmed Ghappour
Toward a Critical Race Theory of Evidence, Jasmine Gonzales Rose
Patenting Frankenstein's Monster: Exploring the Patentability of Artificial Organ Systems and Methodologies, Jordana Goodman
Copyright Owners' Putative Interests in Privacy, Reputation, and Control: A Reply to Goold, Wendy J. Gordon
How Much Has the Supreme Court Changed Patent Law?, Paul Gugliuzza
The Patently Unexceptional Venue Statute, Paul Gugliuzza and Megan M. La Belle
The Restatement of Employment Law's "Independent Business Person-Entrepreneurial Control" Test for Employee Status, Michael C. Harper
On Questioning Automation, Woodrow Hartzog
Privacy and Terms of Use, Woodrow Hartzog
The Inadequate, Invaluable Fair Information Practices, Woodrow Hartzog
Frozen Charters, Scott Hirst
The Agency Problems of Institutional Investors, Scott Hirst, Lucian A. Bebchuk, and Alma Cohen
NFIB v. Sebelius at 5, Nicole Huberfeld
Teaching the Law of American Health Care, Nicole Huberfeld and Kevin Outterson
Gorsuch versus Scalia: How Will Antitrust Change?, Keith N. Hylton
Economics of Criminal Procedure, Keith N. Hylton
Enhanced Damages for Patent Infringement: A Normative Approach, Keith N. Hylton
Law, Social Welfare, and Net Neutrality, Keith N. Hylton