Submissions from 2016
Roger Blair and Intellectual Property, Keith N. Hylton
Scalia and Antitrust, Keith N. Hylton
Should Antitrust Fines Target Firms or Agents?, Keith N. Hylton
International Law Constraints as Executive Power, Rebecca Ingber
The Obama War Powers Legacy and the Internal Forces that Entrench Executive Power, Rebecca Ingber
If Corporations Are People, Why Can’t They Play Tag?, Cody Jacobs
The Stream of Violence: A New Approach to Domestic Violence Personal Jurisdiction, Cody Jacobs
Juvenile Competency and Pretrial Due Process: A Call for Greater Protections in Massachusetts for Juveniles Residing in Procedural Purgatory, Wendy J. Kaplan and Mark Rapisarda
A Guide to Gathering and Using Legislative History in Massachusetts, Sean J. Kealy
Rewrite of Meritor Savings Bank v. Vinson, 477 US 57 (1986), Kristen Konrad Tiscione and Angela Onwuachi-Willig
The Woes of WoW: The Women of the Wall as a Religious Social Movement and as a Metaphor, Pnina Lahav
Zivotofsky v. Kerry: The Supreme Court of the United States, the Politics of American Jewry and the Biblical Balaam, Pnina Lahav
By Any Other Name: Rational Basis Inquiry and the Federal Government's Fiduciary Duty of Care, Gary S. Lawson
On Getting It Right: Remembering Justice Antonin Scalia, Gary S. Lawson
Reflections of an Empirical Reader (Or: Could Fleming Be Right This Time?), Gary S. Lawson
Anthony Amsterdam's Perspectives on the Fourth Amendment, and What It Teaches About the Good and Bad in Rodriguez v. United States, Tracey Maclin
The Right to Silence v. The Fifth Amendment, Tracey Maclin
Clinical Legal Education's Contribution to Building Constitutionalism and Democracy in South Africa: Past, Present, and Future, Peggy Maisel, Shaheda Mahomed, and Meetali Jain
Beyond Lifestyle: Governing the Social Determinants of Health, Wendy K. Mariner
Reconsidering Constitutional Protection for Health Information Privacy, Wendy K. Mariner
A Culture of Health and Human Rights, Wendy K. Mariner and George J. Annas
Increasing Awareness on Health Care Access in Florida: A Community-Based Medical-Legal Practicum Project, Iveris L. Martinez, Natalie Castellanos, Casey Carr, Christopher J. Plescia, Andres L. Rodriguez, Sairah Thommi, Lynn Zaremski, David Weithorn, Peggy Maisel, and Alan L. Wells
Civil Marriage for Same-Sex Couples, "Moral Disapproval," and Tensions between Religious Liberty and Equality, Linda C. McClain
Conscience Protection and Discrimination in the Republican Party Platform and Mississippi's H.B. 1523, Religious Freedom Institute, Linda C. McClain