Submissions from 2017
Brief of Amici Curiae Scholars of The Constitutional Rights and Interests Of Children in Support of Respondents in Masterpiece Cakeshop LTD, et al v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, Angela Onwuachi-Willig, Catherine E. Smith, Lauren Fontana, Tanya Washington, and Barbara Bennett Woodhouse
Arbitration and Fine Dining: Two Faces of Efficiency, William W. Park
Rules and Reliability: How Arbitrators Decide Cases, William W. Park
Soft Law and Transnational Standards in Arbitration: The Challenge of Res Judicata, William W. Park
Comment les arbitres se décident-ils?, William W. Park and Bruno de Fumichon
Privacy's Trust Gap, Neil M. Richards and Woodrow Hartzog
Trusting Big Data Research, Neil M. Richards and Woodrow Hartzog
Incentives, Lies, and Disclosure, Christopher Robertson
The Tip of the Iceberg: A First Amendment Right to Promote Drugs Off-Label, Christopher Robertson
Time Is Money: An Empirical Assessment of Non-Economic Damages Arguments, Christopher Robertson
Tip of the Iceberg II: How the Intended-Uses Principle Produces Medical Knowledge and Protects Liberty, Christopher Robertson
Resurrecting Miranda's Right to Counsel, David Rossman
Chapter 1: Comparing the Federal Arbitration Act and the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration, Victoria Sahani
Reshaping Third-Party Funding, Victoria Sahani
A Very Brief Legal and Social History of Mortgage, David J. Seipp
Introduction and Table, David J. Seipp
Transcription and Annotations, David J. Seipp
No Restoration, No Rehabilitation: Shadow Detention of Mentally Incompetent Noncitizens, Sarah R. Sherman-Stokes
American Trial Films and the Popular Culture of Law, Jessica Silbey
Heuristic Interventions in the Study of Intellectual Property, Jessica Silbey
Review of Punishment in Popular Culture by Charles Ogletree Jr. & Austin Sarat, eds., Jessica Silbey
Review of What's Wrong with Copying? by Abraham Drassinower, Jessica Silbey
Three Strikes for Copyright, Jessica Silbey
Income Taxation and Asset Valuation (II) The Value of Preferential Taxation, Theodore S. Sims
Brief Amici Curiae on Behalf of International and Constitutional Law Experts in Support of Petition for Certiorari, Al Bahlul v. United States , 840 F.3d 757 (D.C. Cir. 2016) (en banc), Robert D. Sloane and Foley Hoag LLP