Submissions from 2015
Protecting Syrian Refugees: Laws, Policies, and Global Responsibility Sharing, Susan M. Akram, Sarah Bidinger, Aaron Lang, Danielle Hites, Yoana Kuzmova, and Elena Noureddine
NFIB v. Sebelius and the Right to Health Care: Government's Obligation to Provide for the Health, Safety, and Welfare of Its Citizens, Jack M. Beermann
Can Public Policy Influence Private Innovation?, James Bessen
The Anti-Innovators: How Special Interests Undermine Entrepreneurship, James Bessen
Toil and Technology: Innovative Technology is Displacing Workers to New Jobs Rather Than Replacing Them Entirely, James Bessen
SE(c)(3): A Catalyst for Social Enterprise Crowdfunding, Dana Brakman Reiser and Steven Dean
Fairness at a Time of Perplexity: The Civil Law Principle of Fairness in the Court of Justice of the European Union, Daniela Caruso
Melki in Context: Algeria and European Legal Integration, Daniela Caruso and Joanna Geneve
Panel on Sex Trafficking (Transcript), Cyra Choudhury, Aziza Ahmed, Sienna Baskin, and Sandy Skelaney
Addressing Cyber Harassment: An Overview of Hate Crimes in Cyberspace, Danielle K. Citron
Spying Inc., Danielle K. Citron
Federalism, Marriage, and Heather Gerken's Mad Genius, Kristin Collins
Brief of Amici Curiae Ascentria Care Alliance, Coalition Against Trafficking in Women, Children’s Advocacy Center of Suffolk County, Demand Abolition, EVA Center, and My Life My Choice in Support of Plaintiff-Appellee on the Constitutionality of An Act Relative to the Commercial Exploitation of People, Commonwealth of Massachusetts v. Tyshaun McGhee, et al., Julie A. Dahlstrom, Felicia Ellsworth, Tasha Bahal, and Michelle Sandals
Civil Disabilities in An Era of Diminishing Privacy: A Disability Approach for the Use of Criminal Records in Hiring, Andrew Elmore
Silent Tax Changes: The Political Economy of Indexing for Inflation, Alan L. Feld
Comment on Amendment-Metrics: The Good, the Bad and the Frequently Amended Constitution, James E. Fleming
Fidelity to Our Living Constitution, James E. Fleming
Fit, Justification, and Fidelity in Constitutional Interpretation, James E. Fleming
Is it Time to Rewrite the Constitution? Fidelity to Our Imperfect Constitution, James E. Fleming
The Moral Reading All Down the Line, James E. Fleming
The Substance of Self-Government, James E. Fleming
The Uniformed Topograhy of Patent Scope, Janet Freilich
Chapter 1: The Enterprise of Empire: Evolving Understandings of Corporate Identity and Responsibility, Erika George
Expanding the Array of Accountable Actors: Human Rights and Corporate Social Responsibility, Erika George