
Submissions from 2016

Medical Causes and Consequences of Home Foreclosures, Christopher Robertson


Reducing Wasteful Incarcerations, Christopher Robertson


Vaccines and Airline Travel: A Federal Role to Protect the Public Health, Christopher Robertson

Why Blinding? How Blinding? A Theory of Blinding and Its Application to Institutional Corruption, Christopher Robertson


Countering the Plaintiff’s Anchor: Jury Simulations to Evaluate Damages Arguments, Christopher Robertson, John Campbell, Bernard Chao, and David Yokum


Regulating Off-Label Promotion — A Critical Test, Christopher Robertson and Aaron S. Kesselheim

Federal Government's Proposed Expansion of Regulation of Biospecimen Research Should Be Reconsidered, Christopher Robertson and Jonathan D. Loe

Money Blinding as a Solution to Industry Influence in Biomedical Science, Christopher Robertson and Marc A. Rodwin


The Appearance and the Reality of Quid Pro Quo Corruption: An Empirical Investigation, Christopher Robertson, D. Alex Winkelman, Kelly Bergstrand, and Darren Modzelewski


Anonymization and Risk, Ira S. Rubinstein and Woodrow Hartzog


Africa's New Economic Partnerships and Dispute Settlement, Victoria Sahani


Judging Third-Party Funding, Victoria Sahani


Big Legal History and the Hundred Year Test, David J. Seipp

Introduction and Tables, David J. Seipp

La novel natura brevium, David J. Seipp


Magna Carta in the Late Middle Ages: Over-Mighty Subjects, Under-Mighty Kings, and a Turn Away from Trial by Jury, David J. Seipp

Trust and Conscience in the Early Common Law, David J. Seipp

When Lawyers Lie: Forging an English Constitution in 1399, David J. Seipp

Obscurity and Privacy, Evan Selinger and Woodrow Hartzog


Defining Hate Speech, Andrew Sellars

Do Robots Dream of Electric Laws? An Experiment in Law as Algorithm, Lisa A. Shay, Woodrow Hartzog, John Nelson, and Gregory Conti

Confronting Automated Law Enforcement, Lisa A. Shay, Woodrow Hartzog, John Nelson, Dominic Larkin, and Gregory Conti


Sufficiently Safeguarded?: Competency Evaluations of Mentally Ill Respondents in Removal Proceedings, Sarah R. Sherman-Stokes


Distinguishing Households from Families, Katharine B. Silbaugh


Fairer Uses, Jessica Silbey