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University of St. Thomas School of Law




Keeping up with health care reform is like running up a mountain of sand - every time you reach the top, -the terrain starts shifting. In this talk, I offer a snapshot of where we are in implementing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ("ACA") to aid in understanding the significance of NFIB v. Sebelius' at five. I will situate the ACA2 within historical patterns in American health care reform. I have been asked to discuss the key points of the NFIB decision, after which I will share some of the research that I have performed for the past five years with co-authors to understand health care federalism within the context of implementing the ACA.3 Finally, I will talk a bit about where health care reform may be going from here and how NFIB has ongoing impact on implementing the ACA, even into a new presidential administration.



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