Submissions from 2018
Allocating Patent Litigation Risk Across the Supply Chain, Michael J. Meurer
Serial Collusion by Multi-Product Firms, Michael J. Meurer, William Kovacic, and Robert Marshall
Karaoke Car Talk with Mark Pettit, Frances H. Miller
A Few Observations about the Curious State of Massachusetts Labor Law: Public-Sector Unions after Janus, Maria O'Brien
The Future of ERISA’s Church Plan Exemption After Advocate Health: Abolition or Robust State Law Contract Remedies, Maria O'Brien and Sophie Esquier
A ‘Bad Rap’: R. v. Skeete and the Admissibility of Rap Lyric Evidence, Ngozi Okidegbe
From Emmett Till to Trayvon Martin: The Persistence of White Womanhood and the Preservation of White Manhood, Angela Onwuachi-Willig
From Loving v. Virginia to Washington v. Davis: The Erosion of the Supreme Court's Equal Protection Intent Analysis, Angela Onwuachi-Willig
What About #UsToo?: The Invisibility of Race in the #MeToo Movement, Angela Onwuachi-Willig
Combating Discrimination Against the Formerly Incarcerated in the Labor Market, Angela Onwuachi-Willig and Ifeoma Ajunwa
A Perspective on Incentives for Novel Inpatient Antibiotics: No One-Size-Fits-All, Kevin Outterson
Insights into Early Stage of Antibiotic Development in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: A Survey of Targets, Costs, and Durations, Kevin Outterson, Christine Årdal, Enrico Baraldi, Ursula Theuretzbacher, Francesco Ciabuschi, Jens Plahte, and John-Arne Røttingen
A conversation with Professor William W. (Rusty) Park, William W. Park
Decision-Making in Arbitration, William W. Park
Stays, Portia Pedro
Understanding Environmental, Health and Economic Activity Interactions Following Transition of Ownership in Gold Mining Areas in Tanzania: A Case of Private to Public, Sophia Rhee, Elias Charles Nyanza, Madison Condon, Joshua Fisher, Theresia Maduka, and Anja Benshaul-Tolonen
Practice-Based Research Networks and the Mandate for Real-World Evidence, Christopher Robertson
Will Courts Allow States to Regulate Drug Prices?, Christopher Robertson
Why Courts Fail to Protect Privacy: Race, Age, Bias, and Technology, Christopher Robertson, Bernard Chao, Ian Farrell, and Catherine Durso
Crowdsourcing & Data Analytics: The New Settlement Tools, Christopher Robertson, Bernard Chao, and David Yokum
Ideology Meets Reality: What Works and What Doesn't in Patient Exposure to Health Care Costs, Christopher Robertson and Victor Laurion
Third-Party Financing in Investment Arbitration, Victoria Sahani, Mick Smith, and Christiane Deniger
How to Get Rid of a King: Lawyering the Revolution of 1399, David J. Seipp
Legal Services for the Poor in the Early Common Law, David J. Seipp
Twenty Years of Web Scraping and the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, Andrew Sellars