Submissions from 2018
Stays, Portia Pedro
Understanding Environmental, Health and Economic Activity Interactions Following Transition of Ownership in Gold Mining Areas in Tanzania: A Case of Private to Public, Sophia Rhee, Elias Charles Nyanza, Madison Condon, Joshua Fisher, Theresia Maduka, and Anja Benshaul-Tolonen
Practice-Based Research Networks and the Mandate for Real-World Evidence, Christopher Robertson
Will Courts Allow States to Regulate Drug Prices?, Christopher Robertson
Why Courts Fail to Protect Privacy: Race, Age, Bias, and Technology, Christopher Robertson, Bernard Chao, Ian Farrell, and Catherine Durso
Crowdsourcing & Data Analytics: The New Settlement Tools, Christopher Robertson, Bernard Chao, and David Yokum
Ideology Meets Reality: What Works and What Doesn't in Patient Exposure to Health Care Costs, Christopher Robertson and Victor Laurion
Third-Party Financing in Investment Arbitration, Victoria Sahani, Mick Smith, and Christiane Deniger
How to Get Rid of a King: Lawyering the Revolution of 1399, David J. Seipp
Legal Services for the Poor in the Early Common Law, David J. Seipp
Twenty Years of Web Scraping and the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, Andrew Sellars
Emoluments, Zones of Interests, and Political Questions: A Cautionary Tale, Jed Handelsman Shugerman and Gautham Rao
How Do Lawyers Think Differently from Stem Professionals When Approaching Problems and Risk, Jessica Silbey
The Costs of Trademarking Dolls, Jessica Silbey
Narrative Topoi in the Digital Age, Jessica Silbey and Zahr Said
Letter to the Hon. Sen. Orrt (NYS Senate) Regarding Litigation Finance (Lawsuit Lending) (2018), Maya Steinitz
Testimony on Third Party Financing of Lawsuits, Maya Steinitz
Discovery, Research, and Development of New Antibiotics: The WHO Priority List of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria and Tuberculosis, Evelina Tacconelli, Elena Carrara, Alessia Savoldi, Stephan Harbarth, Marc Mendelson, Dominique L. Monnet, Celine Pulcini, Gunnar Kahlmeter, Jan Kluytmans, Yehuda Carmeli, Marc Ouellette, Kevin Outterson, Jean Patel, Marco Cavaleri, Edward M. Cox, Chris R. Houchens, M Lindsay Grayson, Paul Hansen, Nalini Singh, Ursula Theuretzbacher, Nicola Magrini, and WHO Pathogens Priority List Working Group
Obama's Conversion on Same-Sex Marriage: The Social Foundations of Individual Rights, Robert L. Tsai
Pregnant Women and Equitable Access to Emergency Medical Care, Michael Ulrich
How Religious Refusal Laws Are Harming Sexual Minorities, Michael Ulrich and Julia Raifman
Making Innovation More Competitive: The Case of Fintech, Rory Van Loo
Technology Regulation by Default: Platforms, Privacy, and the CFPB, Rory Van Loo
ADR and Access to Justice: Current Perspectives, Rory Van Loo, Ellen E. Deason, Michael Z. Green, Donna Shestowsky, and Ellen Waldman
Georgia Practice Materials: A Selective Annotated Bibliography, Ronald E. Wheeler