Submissions from 1992
Mum's the Word: The Supreme Court and Family Planning, Wendy K. Mariner
Problems with Employer-Provided Health Insurance — The Employee Retirement Income Security Act and Health Care Reform, Wendy K. Mariner
The Supreme Court, Abortion, and the Jurisprudence of Class, Wendy K. Mariner
'Atomistic Man' Revisited: Liberalism, Connection, and Feminist Jurisprudence, Linda C. McClain
The Poverty of Privacy?, Linda C. McClain
The Gains from Faith in an Unfaithful Agent: Settlement Conflicts Between Defendants and Liability Insurers, Michael J. Meurer
Competition Law and Anticompetitive Professional Behavior Affecting Health Care, Frances H. Miller
Denial of Health Care and Informed Consent in English and American Law, Frances H. Miller
Economics, Fiduciary Standards and Medical Malpractice Liability, Frances H. Miller
Health Policy, Competition and Professional Behavior, Frances H. Miller
Maternal/Fetal Conflicts: Narrowing the Controversy, Frances H. Miller
Intra-Professional Warfare Between Prosecutors and Defense Attorneys, Nancy J. Moore
Personal Narratives and Racial Distinctiveness in the Legal Academy, Maria O'Brien
Socially Responsible Investing in an Inefficient Market: Doing Good Versus Doing Well, Maria O'Brien
The Economics and Politics of Emergency Health Care for the Poor: The Patient Dumping Dilemma, Maria O'Brien
L'arbitrage et le Recouvrement des Prêts Consentis à des Débiteurs Étrangers, William W. Park
Sticks and Stones Can Break My Name: Nondefamatory Negligent Injury to Reputation, Katharine B. Silbaugh
Long-Term Debt, the Term Structure of Interest and the Case for Accrual Taxation, Theodore S. Sims
Review of Taxes and Business Strategy: A Planning Approach by Myron S. Scholes et al., Theodore S. Sims and Emil M. Sunley
Submissions from 1991
Fetal Protection and Employment Discrimination - The Johnson Controls Case, George J. Annas
Mengele's Birthmark: The Nuremberg Code in United States Courts, George J. Annas
Restricting Doctor–Patient Conversations in Federally Funded Clinics, George J. Annas
The Health Care Proxy and the Living Will, George J. Annas
The Long Dying of Nancy Cruzan, George J. Annas
Interest Group Politics and Judicial Behavior: Macey's Public Choice, Jack M. Beermann