Submissions from 1991
The Economic Theory of Politics and Legal Interpretation in the United States, Jack M. Beermann
Relazioni Precontrattuali e Teoria dei Giochi, Daniela Caruso
Revenue Procedure 91-12: The IRS Launches an Information-Gathering Offensive Against International Transportation Operations, Chi K. Cheung and Kevin Outterson
When Fungible Portfolio Assets Meet: A Problem of Tax Recognition, Alan L. Feld
Economic Rents and Essential Facilities, Keith N. Hylton
Litigation Costs and the Economic Theory of Tort Law, Keith N. Hylton
The First Amendment at Home and Abroad, Pnina Lahav
Operation Rescue - Was the Justice Dept. Right to Intervene in Wichita?, Gary S. Lawson, Celeste Lacy Davis, and Eve W. Paul
A Tale of Two Professions: The Third-Party Liability of Accountants and Attorneys for Negligent Misrepresentation, Gary S. Lawson and Tamara Mattison
Protecting the Transaction from Bankruptcy and Insolvency Risks, Steven B. Levine and Anthony L. Gray
Report for Recommendation 91-4: Innovation and Challenge: The First Year of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, Wendy K. Mariner
Of Posin and Pigs, of Coase and Cost, of Profits Gained and Opportunities Lost, Stephen G. Marks
The Private Attorney General Meets Public Contract Law: Procurement Oversight by Protest, Robert Marshall, Michael J. Meurer, and Jean-Francois Richard
Maternal-Fetal Ethical Dilemmas: A Guideline for Physicians, Frances H. Miller
Practice Guidelines and Medical Malpractice Liability, Frances H. Miller
Parental Leaves and Poor Women: Paying the Price for Time Off, Maria O'Brien
Anonymous Bank Accounts: Narco-Dollars, Fiscal Fraud, and Lawyers, William W. Park
Review of International Commercial Arbitration and the Courts and The 1989 Guide to International Arbitration and Arbitrators, William W. Park
Spiritual Energy and Secular Power, William W. Park
When the Borrower and the Banker Are at Odds: Arbitration and International Finance, William W. Park
Review of Fundamental Authority in Late Medieval English Law by Norman Doe, David J. Seipp
The Structure of English Common Law in the Seventeenth Century, David J. Seipp
The Great Writ in Action: Empirical Light on the Federal Habeas Corpus Debate, Larry Yackle
Submissions from 1990
Negative Foreign Commerce Clause: An Analysis of the Reserved Unitary Tax Issue in Container Corporation of America v. California Franchise Tax Board, Richard Thompson Ainsworth
Mapping the Human Genome and the Meaning of Monster Mythology, George J. Annas