Submissions from 2006
Federal Court Self-Preservation and Terri Schiavo, Jack M. Beermann
The Constitutional Law of Presidential Transitions, Jack M. Beermann
A Comment on 'Do Patents Facilitate Financing in the Software Industry?', James Bessen
Chapter 3: Open Source Software: Free Provision of Complex Public Goods, James Bessen
Estimates of Patent Rents from Firm Market Value, James Bessen
The Value of U.S. Patents by Owner and Patent Characteristics, James Bessen
Patent Litigation with Endogenous Disputes, James Bessen and Michael J. Meurer
Private Law and State-Making in the Age of Globalization, Daniela Caruso
Minimum Contacts in a Borderless World: Voice Over Internet Protocol and the Coming Implosion of Personal Jurisdiction Theory, Danielle K. Citron
Genealogies of Soft Law, Anna di Robilant
What Is Dilution, Anyway?, Stacey Dogan
What the Right of Publicity Can Learn from Trademark Law, Stacey Dogan
Impersonating a Nonprofit, Alan L. Feld
The New Constitutional Order and the Heartening of Conservative Constitutional Aspirations, James E. Fleming
'There Is Only One Equal Protection Clause': An Appreciation of Justice Stevens's Equal Protection Jurisprudence, James E. Fleming
Fall of the Barriers Preventing Abuse of Trust and Deception: The Hidden Changes in Legal Doctrine and Legal Interpretation, Tamar Frankel
How Did We Get into This Mess?, Tamar Frankel
The Mysterious Ways of Mutual Funds: Market Timing, Tamar Frankel
Using Sarbanes-Oxley Act to Reward Honest Corporations, Tamar Frankel
What Default Rules Teach Us About Corporations; What Understanding Corporations Teaches Us About Default Rules, Tamar Frankel
What Default Rules Teach Us about Corporations; What Understanding Corporations Teaches Us about Default Rules, Tamar Frankel
Chapter 2: Failing the future: development objectives, human rights obligations and gender violence in schools, Erika George
Federal Common Lawmaking for the Modern Age, Michael C. Harper and Joan Flynn
Development Lending and the Community Reinvestment Act, Keith N. Hylton