Submissions from 2007
Cross-Monitoring and Corporate Governance, Joanna M. Shepherd, Frederick Tung, and Albert H. Yoon
WalMart's Other Woman Problem: Sprawl and Work-Family Balancing, Katharine B. Silbaugh
Women's Place: Urban Planning, Housing Design, and Work-Family Balance, Katharine B. Silbaugh
A History of Representations of Justice: Coincident Preoccupations of Law and Film, Jessica Silbey
Criminal Performances: Film, Autobiography, and Confession, Jessica Silbey
Truth Tales and Trial Films, Jessica Silbey
Tort Negligence, Cost-Benefit Analysis, and Tradeoffs: A Closer Look at the Controversy, Kenneth Simons
Prologue to a Voluntarist War Convention, Robert D. Sloane
The Expressive Capacity of International Punishment: The Limits of the National Law Analogy and the Potential of International Criminal Law, Robert D. Sloane
The Policies of State Succession: Harmonizing Self-Determination and Global Order in the Twenty-First Century, Robert D. Sloane
The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda as the Theater: The Social Negotiation of the Moral Authority of International Law, Maya Steinitz
Imaging the Mind, Minding the Image: An Historical Introduction to Brain Imaging and the Law, Laura Stephens and Shahram Khoshbin
Before Competition: Origins of the Internal Affairs Doctrine, Frederick Tung
Gap Filling in the Zone of Insolvency, Frederick Tung
Consumer Law As Tax Alternative, Rory Van Loo
Financial Accounting and Corporate Behavior, David I. Walker
Unpacking Backdating: Economic Analysis and Observations on the Stock Option Scandal, David I. Walker
Protecting Religion Through Statute: The Mixed Case of the United States, Jay D. Wexler
What Should We Teach When We Teach About Religion? The Case for a Global Perspective, Jay D. Wexler
Physicians' Insurance Limits and Malpractice Payments: Evidence from Texas Closed Claims, 1990-2003, Kathryn Zeiler, Charles Silver, Bernard Black, David Hyman, and William Sage
Rights, Responsibilities, and Reflections upon the Sanctity of Life, Benjamin C. Zipursky and James E. Fleming
Submissions from 2006
Biometrics, Certified Software Solutions, and the Japanese Consumption Tax: A Proposal for the Tax Commission, Richard Thompson Ainsworth
Biometrics: Solving the Regressivity of Vats and Rsts with 'Smart Card' Technology, Richard Thompson Ainsworth
Carousel Fraud in the EU: A Digital Vat Solution, Richard Thompson Ainsworth
Digital Consumption Tax (D-Ct), Richard Thompson Ainsworth