Submissions from 2006
Duty in Tort Law: An Economic Approach, Keith N. Hylton
Information, Litigation, and Common Law Evolution, Keith N. Hylton
Liability Externalities and the Law: A Comment on Cooter and Porat, Keith N. Hylton
Property Rules and Liability Rules, Once Again, Keith N. Hylton
Torts and Choice of Law: Searching for Principles, Keith N. Hylton
Unprotected Migrants: Zimbabweans in South Africa’s Limpopo Province, Norma Kriger and Erika George
The Jeffersonian Treaty Clause, Gary S. Lawson
Originalism as a Legal Enterprise, Gary S. Lawson and Guy I. Seidman
Iredell Reclaimed: Farewell to Snowiss's History of Judicial Review, Gerald F. Leonard
Lending to the Emerging Debtor in the Face of an Appeal, Steven B. Levine and Gopal K. Balachandran
Review of Rosen's Classical Utilitarianism from Hume to Mill, David B. Lyons
Rights and Recognition, David B. Lyons
The Role of Law in Controlling Epidemics: Lessons from TB, HIV and SARS, Wendy K. Mariner
Family Constitutions and the (New) Constitution of the Family, Linda C. McClain
'God's Created Order', Gender Complementarity, and the Federal Marriage Amendment, Linda C. McClain
Some ABCs of Feminist Sex Education (in Light of the Sexuality Critique of Legal Feminism), Linda C. McClain
The Evolution - or End - of Marriage?: Reflections on the Impasse over Same-Sex Marriage, Linda C. McClain
What Place for Marriage (E)quality in Marriage Promotion?, Linda C. McClain
Jackson v. Birmingham Board of Education: Title IX's Implied Private Right of Action for Retaliation, Elizabeth McCuskey
Consolidating Pharmaceutical Regulation Down Under: Policy Options and Practical Realities, Frances H. Miller
Foreword: Globe-Hopping Pharmaceuticals, Frances H. Miller
Informed Consent in the Practice of Law, Nancy J. Moore
Indecent Standards: The Case of U.S. versus Weldon Angelos, Eva S. Nilsen
Symposium: The Role of the Judge in the Twenty-First Century: Introduction, Eva S. Nilsen