Submissions from 2006
Representative Government, Representative Court? The Supreme Court as a Representative Body, Angela Onwuachi-Willig
This Bridge Called Our Backs: An Introduction to “The Future of Critical Race Feminism”, Angela Onwuachi-Willig
Undercover Other, Angela Onwuachi-Willig
An Essay on the Challenges of Drafting a Uniform Law of Software Contracting, Maureen A. O'Rourke
Being Yourself While Keeping Up with Everyone Else, Maureen A. O'Rourke
The Story of Diamond v. Diehr Toward Patenting Software, Maureen A. O'Rourke
Counterfeit Drugs: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Kevin Outterson
Fair Followers: Expanding Access to Generic Pharmaceuticals for Low- and Medium-Income Populations, Kevin Outterson
Patent Buy-Outs for Global Disease Innovations for Low- and Middle-Income Countries, Kevin Outterson
Foreword, William W. Park
Foreword to the Second Edition, William W. Park
The Procedural Soft Law of International Arbitration, William W. Park
Treaty Obligations and National Law: Emerging Conflicts in International Arbitration, William W. Park and Alexander A. Yanos
Gendering the Gentrification of Public Housing: HOPE VI's Disparate Impact on Lowest-Income African American Women, Danielle Pelfrey Duryea
Transnational Criminal Law and Procedure: An Introduction, Sadiq Reza
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.: The Judge as Celebrity, David J. Seipp
Our Law, Their Law, History, and the Citation of Foreign Law, David J. Seipp
Money as Emotion in the Distribution of Property at Divorce, Katharine B. Silbaugh
Filmmaking in the Precinct House and the Genre of Documentary Film, Jessica Silbey
Videotaped Confessions and the Genre of Documentary, Jessica Silbey
A Restatement (Third) of Intentional Torts?, Kenneth Simons
Sentencing for the 'Crime of Crimes': The Evolving 'Common Law' of Sentencing of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, Robert D. Sloane
Democracy's Handmaid, Robert L. Tsai
Some Observations on the Stock Option Backdating Scandal of 2006, David I. Walker
Intelligent Design and the First Amendment: A Response, Jay D. Wexler