Submissions from 2006
The Procedural Soft Law of International Arbitration, William W. Park
Treaty Obligations and National Law: Emerging Conflicts in International Arbitration, William W. Park and Alexander A. Yanos
Gendering the Gentrification of Public Housing: HOPE VI's Disparate Impact on Lowest-Income African American Women, Danielle Pelfrey Duryea
Transnational Criminal Law and Procedure: An Introduction, Sadiq Reza
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.: The Judge as Celebrity, David J. Seipp
Our Law, Their Law, History, and the Citation of Foreign Law, David J. Seipp
Money as Emotion in the Distribution of Property at Divorce, Katharine B. Silbaugh
Filmmaking in the Precinct House and the Genre of Documentary Film, Jessica Silbey
Videotaped Confessions and the Genre of Documentary, Jessica Silbey
A Restatement (Third) of Intentional Torts?, Kenneth Simons
Sentencing for the 'Crime of Crimes': The Evolving 'Common Law' of Sentencing of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, Robert D. Sloane
Democracy's Handmaid, Robert L. Tsai
Some Observations on the Stock Option Backdating Scandal of 2006, David I. Walker
Intelligent Design and the First Amendment: A Response, Jay D. Wexler
Kitzmiller and the "Is it Science?" Question, Jay D. Wexler
The Endorsement Court, Jay D. Wexler
Too Much, Too Little: Religion in the Public Schools, Jay D. Wexler
Learning While They Work: The Use of Student Assistants in Two Academic Law Libraries, Ronald E. Wheeler and Stephanie Davidson
State Convicts and Federal Courts: Reopening the Habeas Corpus Debate, Larry Yackle
Submissions from 2005
Digital Vat and Development: D-Vat and D-Velopment, Richard Thompson Ainsworth
The One-Stop-Shop in Vat and Rst: Common Approaches to Eu-Us Consumption Tax Problems, Richard Thompson Ainsworth
Immigration and Constitutional Consequences of Post-9/11 Policies Involving Arabs and Muslims in the United States: Is Alienage a Distinction without a Difference?, Susan M. Akram and Maritza Karmely
“Culture of Life” Politics at the Bedside: The Case of Terri Schiavo, George J. Annas
Family Privacy and Death: Antigone, War, and Medical Research, George J. Annas
I Want to Live: Medicine Betrayed by Ideology in the Political Debate over Terri Schaivo, George J. Annas