Submissions from 2006
Kitzmiller and the "Is it Science?" Question, Jay D. Wexler
The Endorsement Court, Jay D. Wexler
Too Much, Too Little: Religion in the Public Schools, Jay D. Wexler
Learning While They Work: The Use of Student Assistants in Two Academic Law Libraries, Ronald E. Wheeler and Stephanie Davidson
State Convicts and Federal Courts: Reopening the Habeas Corpus Debate, Larry Yackle
Submissions from 2005
Digital Vat and Development: D-Vat and D-Velopment, Richard Thompson Ainsworth
The One-Stop-Shop in Vat and Rst: Common Approaches to Eu-Us Consumption Tax Problems, Richard Thompson Ainsworth
Immigration and Constitutional Consequences of Post-9/11 Policies Involving Arabs and Muslims in the United States: Is Alienage a Distinction without a Difference?, Susan M. Akram and Maritza Karmely
“Culture of Life” Politics at the Bedside: The Case of Terri Schiavo, George J. Annas
Family Privacy and Death: Antigone, War, and Medical Research, George J. Annas
I Want to Live: Medicine Betrayed by Ideology in the Political Debate over Terri Schaivo, George J. Annas
Jumping Frogs, Endangered Toads, and California's Medical-Marijuana Law, George J. Annas
Unspeakably Cruel: Torture, Medical Ethics, and the Law, George J. Annas
Foreword, Michael S. Baram
War, Crisis, and the Constitution, Sotirios A. Barber and James E. Fleming
In Appreciation: Ronald A. Cass - Dean, Boston University School of Law 1990-2004, Jack M. Beermann, William Ryckman, and Daniel Freehling
Bargaining and Distribution in Special Education, Daniela Caruso
Lochner in Europe: A Comment on Keith Whittington's Congress before the Lochner Court Symposium: Lochner Centennial Conference, Daniela Caruso
Federalism's Fallacy: The Early Tradition of Federal Family Law and the Invention of States' Rights, Kristin Collins
Attractive Complexity: Tax Deregulation, the Check-the-Box Election, and the Future of Tax Simplification, Steven Dean
Comment: Sony, Fair Use, and File Sharing, Stacey Dogan
Peer-to-Peer Technology and the Copyright Crossroads, Stacey Dogan
Copyright Law and Subject Matter Specificity: The Case of Computer Software, Stacey Dogan and Joseph Liu
Two Tweaks for the Taxation of Social Security Benefits, Alan L. Feld
Judicial Review Without Judicial Supremacy: Taking the Constitution Seriously Outside the Courts, James E. Fleming