Submissions from 2010
Moral Limits of Dworkin's Theory of Law and Legal Interpretation, David B. Lyons
Response, David B. Lyons
Setting an Agenda for the Global Clinical Movement, Peggy Maisel
The Education and Licensing of Attorneys and Advocates in South Africa, Peggy Maisel
Health Reform: What's Insurance Got to Do with It? Recognizing Health Insurance as a Separate Species of Insurance, Wendy K. Mariner
Health Insurance Politics in Federal Court, Wendy K. Mariner and George J. Annas
Chapter 5: What's So Hard About Sex Equality?: Nature, Culture, and Social Engineering, Linda C. McClain
Child, Family, State, and Gender Equality in Religious Stances and Human Rights Instruments: A Preliminary Comparison, Linda C. McClain
Justice and Elegance for Hedgehogs - In Life, Law, and Literature, Linda C. McClain
Marriage Pluralism in the United States: On Civil and Religious Jurisdiction and the Demands of Equal Citizenship, Linda C. McClain
What's So Hard About Sex Equality?: Nature, Culture, and Social Engineering, Linda C. McClain
Patent Litigation, Licensing, Nonobviousness, and Antitrust, Michael J. Meurer
The Supreme Court's Assault on Litigation: Why (and How) It Could Be Good for Health Law, Abigail Moncrieff
Is the Appearance of Impropriety an Appropriate Standard for Disciplining Judges in the Twenty-First Century?, Nancy J. Moore
Mens Rea Standards in Lawyer Disciplinary Codes, Nancy J. Moore
From Harmelin to Graham - Justice Kennedy Stakes out a Path to Proportional Punishment, Eva S. Nilsen
Liberty Lost: The Moral Case for Marijuana Law Reform, Eva S. Nilsen
Another Hair Piece: Exploring New Strands of Analysis Under Title VII, Angela Onwuachi-Willig
Complimentary and Complementary Discrimination in Faculty Hiring, Angela Onwuachi-Willig
Teaching Employment Discrimination, Angela Onwuachi-Willig
Pregnant Man: A Conversation, Angela Onwuachi-Willig; Darren Rosenblum; Noa Ben-Asher; Mary Anne Case; Elizabeth Emens; Berta E. Hernandez-Truyol,; Vivian M. Gutierrez; Lisa C. Ikemoto; Jacob Willig-Onwuachi; Kimberly Mutcherson; Peter Siegelman; and Beth Jones
All in the Family, Angela Onwuachi-Willig and Jacob Willig-Onwuachi
Defending Disclosure in Software Licensing, Maureen A. O'Rourke
Disease-Based Limitations on Compulsory Licenses Under Articles 31 and 31bis, Kevin Outterson
Fighting Antibiotic Resistance: Marrying New Financial Incentives To Meeting Public Health Goals, Kevin Outterson