Submissions from 2010
The Law and Economics of Executive Compensation: Theory and Evidence, David I. Walker
Is 'Pay-to-Play' Driving Public Pension Fund Activism in Securities Class Actions? An Empirical Study, David H. Webber
From the Classroom to the Courtroom: Intelligent Design and the Constitution, Jay D. Wexler
A Tale of One CALI Lesson: Librarians Share a New Approach, Ronald E. Wheeler
Cautions on the Use of Economics Experiments in Law, Kathryn Zeiler
Medical Malpractice Liability Crisis or Patient Compensation Crisis?, Kathryn Zeiler
An Empirical Study of AAA Consumer Arbitrations, Samantha Zyontz and Christopher R. Drahozal
Cy Pres Relief and the Pathologies of the Modern Class Action: A Normative and Empirical Analysis, Samantha Zyontz, Martin H. Redish, and Peter Julian
Submissions from 2009
Protecting HIV Positive Women’s Human’s Rights: Recommendations for the Obama Administration, Aziza Ahmed, Catherine Hanssens, and Brook Kelly
California Biometrics: A Second Proposal for California's Commission on the 21st Century Economy, Richard Thompson Ainsworth
California Zappers: A Proposal for the Commission for the 21st Century Economy, Richard Thompson Ainsworth
Massachusetts Zappers - Collecting the Sales Tax that Has Already Been Paid, Richard Thompson Ainsworth
Quebec's Module D'Enregistrement Des Ventes (MEV): Fighting the Zapper, Phantomware and Tax Fraud with Technology, Richard Thompson Ainsworth
The Morphing of MTIC Fraud: VAT Fraud Infects Tradable CO2 Permits, Richard Thompson Ainsworth
Transfer Pricing in VAT/GST vs. Direct Taxation: A Paper on the Topic of Relations between Associated Companies, Richard Thompson Ainsworth
Use and Enjoyment of Intangible Services: The Czech Republic's VAT Derogation, Richard Thompson Ainsworth
Use and Enjoyment of Intangible Services: The German, Austrian, Danish and Estonian VAT Derogations, Richard Thompson Ainsworth
Virtual Intermediaries II - Canadian Solutions (Drop Shipments) Compared with US, Japanese & EU Approaches, Richard Thompson Ainsworth
Chapter 5: The Demonization of Persons of Arab and Muslim Ancestry in Perspective, Susan M. Akram and Kevin R. Johnson
Enhancing the Fighting Force: Medical Research on American Soldiers, Catherine L. Annas and George J. Annas
Biotechnological Research on the Most Dangerous Pathogens: Challenges for Risk Governance and Safety Management, Michael S. Baram
Globalization and Workplace Hazards in Developing Nations, Michael S. Baram
Constitutional Theory and the Future of the Unitary Executive, Sotirios Barber and James E. Fleming
Justice Ginsburg's Dissent in Bush v. Gore, Hugh Baxter
Combating Midnight Regulation, Jack M. Beermann