Submissions from 2011
Whose Claim Is This Anyway? Third Party Litigation Funding, Maya Steinitz
Aryans, Gender, and American Politics, Robert L. Tsai
Notes on Borrowing and Convergence, Robert L. Tsai and Nelson Tebbe
Pay for Banker Performance: Structuring Executive Compensation for Risk Regulation, Frederick Tung
The Puzzle of Independent Directors: New Learning, Frederick Tung
Pay for Regulator Performance, Frederick Tung and M Todd Henderson
Follow the Leader?: Maryland's Response to the New Federal Stem Cell Guidelines, Michael Ulrich
Researchers Without Borders?: Limiting Obligations of Ancillary Care Through the Rescue Model, Michael Ulrich
A Tax Response to the Executive Pay Problem, David I. Walker
Evolving Executive Equity Compensation and the Limits of Optimal Contracting, David I. Walker
Executive Pay Lessons from Private Equity, David I. Walker
Suitable for Framing: Business Deductions in a Net Income Tax System, David I. Walker
Eagle Party, Jay D. Wexler
Government Disapproval of Religion, Jay D. Wexler
I'm a Laycockian! (for the Most Part), Jay D. Wexler
Does WestlawNext Really Change Everything: The Implications of WestlawNext on Legal Research, Ronald E. Wheeler
Untangling the Twists of Habeas Corpus, Larry Yackle
Creditor Claims in Arbitration and in Court, Samantha Zyontz and Christopher R. Drahozal
Submissions from 2010
CO2 MTIC Fraud -- Technologically Exploiting the EU VAT (Again), Richard Thompson Ainsworth
MTIC (VAT FRAUD) in VoIP - Market Size $3.3b, Richard Thompson Ainsworth
Pennsylvania's Sales and Use Tax: Has Nearly $1 Billion Been 'Zapped' Away in Fraud?, Richard Thompson Ainsworth
Quebec's Sales Recording Module (SRM): Fighting the Zapper, Phantomware, and Tax Fraud with Technology, Richard Thompson Ainsworth
Tax Fraud in the Sales Tax: Zappers -- What are They? How Can Puerto Rico Block Them?, Richard Thompson Ainsworth
Transfer Pricing, Business Restructurings and Intangibles - Case Studies: UPS v. Commissioner; DSG Retail Ltd. v. HMRC, Richard Thompson Ainsworth
VAT Fraud - Technological Solutions, Richard Thompson Ainsworth