Submissions from 2009
Constitutional Theory and the Future of the Unitary Executive, Sotirios Barber and James E. Fleming
Justice Ginsburg's Dissent in Bush v. Gore, Hugh Baxter
Combating Midnight Regulation, Jack M. Beermann
Introduction: Symposium on Remedies for Exonerated Prisoners, Jack M. Beermann
Midnight Deregulation, Jack M. Beermann
Qualified Immunity and Constitutional Avoidance, Jack M. Beermann
The Turn Toward Congress in Administrative Law, Jack M. Beermann
Accounting for Productivity Growth When Technical Change is Biased, James Bessen
Evaluating the Economic Performance of Property Systems, James Bessen
Imperfect Property Rights, James Bessen
Sequential Innovation, Patents, and Imitation, James Bessen and Eric Maskin
No Rational Basis: The Pragmatic Case for Marijuana Law Reform, Eric D. Blumenson and Eva S. Nilsen
Quasi-Colonial Bodies: An Analysis of the Reproductive Lives of Poor Black and Racially Subjugated Women, Khiara M. Bridges
Cyber Civil Rights, Danielle K. Citron
Law's Expressive Value in Combating Cyber Gender Harassment, Danielle K. Citron
Administering Marriage: Marriage-Based Entitlements, Bureaucracy and the Legal Construction of the Family, Kristin Collins
More Cooperation, Less Uniformity: Tax Deharmonization and the Future of the International Tax Regime, Steven Dean
Defining Health Law or the Edgewood Syndrome, Paula Lobato de Faria, Wendy K. Mariner, and George J. Annas
Beyond Trademark Use, Stacey Dogan
Misguided Relief: The Real Property Tax Addition to the Standard Deduction, Alan L. Feld
The Shrunken Power of the Purse, Alan L. Feld
Natural Law: U.S. Law, James E. Fleming
Ronald Dworkin, James E. Fleming
The Place of History and Philosophy in the Moral Reading of the American Constitution, James E. Fleming
Toward a More Democratic Congress?, James E. Fleming