Submissions from 2014
Analytical Framework for Examining the Value of Antibacterial Products, Kevin Outterson, Aylin Sertkaya, John T. Eyraud, Anna Birkenback, Calvin Franz, Nyssa Ackerley, and Valerie Overton
A Fair Fight: Professional Guidelines in International Arbitration, William W. Park
Arbitration's Discontents: Between the Pernicious and the Precarious, William W. Park
Non-Signatories and International Arbitration, William W. Park
The Cohasset Marshlands Dispute: International Arbitration in Colonial New England, William W. Park
The Predictability Paradox: Arbitrators and Applicable Law, William W. Park
Third-Party Funding in International Arbitration: The ICCA Queen-Mary Task Force, William W. Park and Catherine A. Rogers
Reflections on Presumed Incompetent: The Intersections of Race and Class for Women in Academia Symposium — The Plenary Panel, Maritza Reyes, Angela Onwuachi-Willig, Stephanie Wildman, and Adrien Wing
An Empirical Method for Harmless Error, Christopher Robertson
An Empirical Method for Materiality: Would Conflict of Interest Disclosures Change Patient Decisions?, Christopher Robertson
Expert Witness Blinding Strategies to Mitigate Bias in Radiology Malpractice Cases: A Comprehensive Review of the Literature, Christopher Robertson
Perceptions of Efficacy, Morality, and Politics of Potential Cadaveric Organ-Transplantation Reforms, Christopher Robertson
The Presumption Against Expensive Health Care Consumption, Christopher Robertson
When Truth Cannot Be Presumed: The Regulation of Drug Promotion Under an Expanding First Amendment, Christopher Robertson
Heterogeneity in IRB Policies with Regard to Disclosures About Payment for Participation in Recruitment Materials, Christopher Robertson and Megan Wright
The Burden of Deciding for Yourself: The Disutility Caused by Out-of-Pocket Healthcare Spending, Christopher Robertson and David Yokum
A Randomized Experiment of the Split Benefit Health Insurance Reform to Reduce High-Cost, Low-Value Consumption, Christopher Robertson, David V. Yokum, Nimish Sheth, and Keith A. Joiner
Third-Party Litigation Funding and the Dodd-Frank Act, Victoria Sahani
Crowdsourcing Public Health Experiments: A Response to Jonathan Darrow's Crowdsourcing Clinical Trials, Ameet Sarpatwari, Christopher Robertson, David Yokum, and Keith Joiner
Brief of Amici Curiae Law, Business, and Economics Scholars in Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank, No. 13-298, Jason Schultz, Brian Love, James Bessen, and Michael J. Meurer
The Creation of the Department of Justice: Professionalization without Civil Rights or Civil Service, Jed Handelsman Shugerman
The Golden or Bronze Age of Judicial Selection?, Jed Handelsman Shugerman
Persuasive Visions: Film and Memory, Jessica Silbey
Promoting Progress: A Qualitative Analysis of Creative and Innovative Production, Jessica Silbey