Submissions from 2014
Chapter 16: Transnational Legal Process Theories, Maya Steinitz
The Case for an International Court of Civil Justice, Maya Steinitz
A Model Litigation Finance Contract, Maya Steinitz and Abigail Field
Conclusion. The Migration of Legal Ideas: Legislative Design and the Lawmaking Process, Robert L. Tsai
Law and Project Finance, Frederick Tung and Krishnamurthy Subramanian
Nonprofit Executive Pay as an Agency Problem: Evidence from U.S. Colleges and Universities, David I. Walker and Brian D. Galle
Private Policing of Mergers & Acquisitions: An Empirical Assessment of Institutional Lead Plaintiffs in Transactional Class and Derivative Actions, David H. Webber
The Use and Abuse of Labor's Capital, David H. Webber
Constitutional Exaptation, Political Dysfunction, and the Recess Appointments Clause, Jay D. Wexler
AALL Diversity Redelineated, Ronald E. Wheeler
Let's Talk About Race, Ronald E. Wheeler
Stereotype Threat and Law Librarianship, Ronald E. Wheeler
Competitive Federalism: Five Clarifying Questions, Larry Yackle
Federal Banks and Federal Jurisdiction in the Progressive Era, Larry Yackle
The New Habeas Corpus in Death Penalty Cases, Larry Yackle
Submissions from 2013
“Rugged Vaginas” and “Vulnerable Rectums”: The Sexual Identity, Epidemiology, and Law of the Global HIV Epidemic, Aziza Ahmed
Underneath Her Pantsuit: A Reflection on Hanna Rosin's The End of Men, Aziza Ahmed
American VAT – The Carousel Fraud Threat: Will the EU Show the US the 'Way Forward', Richard Thompson Ainsworth
A Technological Approach to Reforming Japan's Consumption Tax, Richard Thompson Ainsworth
Stopping MTIC -- With a 3rd Invoicing Directive, Richard Thompson Ainsworth
Tackling VAT Fraud: Thirteen Ways Forward, Richard Thompson Ainsworth
Transfer Pricing: UN Guidelines -- Brazil, Richard Thompson Ainsworth
Vogtländische Straβen-,Tief- Und Rohrleitungsbau Gmbh Rodewisch (VSTR) v. Finanzamt Plauen – VAT Triangulation v. Drop Shipments, Richard Thompson Ainsworth
Zappers & Employment Tax Fraud, Richard Thompson Ainsworth