Submissions from 2014
Lost at Sea, Daniela Caruso
Trade and History: The Case of EU-Algeria Relations, Daniela Caruso and Joanna Geneve
The Scored Society: Due Process for Automated Predictions, Danielle K. Citron
Criminalizing Revenge Porn, Danielle K. Citron and Mary Anne Franks
Promoting Innovation While Preventing Discrimination: Policy Goals for the Scored Society, Danielle K. Citron and Frank Pasquale
Illegitimate Borders: Jus Sanguinis Citizenship and the Legal Construction of Family, Race, and Nation, Kristin Collins
Challenge and Response in the Indus Basin, Madison Condon, Don Kriens, Anjali Lohani, and Erum Sattar
Metadata: Piecing Together a Privacy Solution, Chris Conley
Making Smart Decisions About Surveillance: A Guide for Communities, Chris Conley, Matthew Cagle, Peter Bibring, Jessica Farris, Linda Lye, Mitra Ebadolahi, and Nicole Ozer
Deconstructing the Relationship Between Privacy and Security [Viewpoint], Gregory Conti, Lisa A. Shay, and Woodrow Hartzog
Space Madness: Subsidies and Economic Substance, Steven Dean
Abuse of Rights: The Continental Drug and the Common Law, Anna di Robilant
Property and Deliberation: A New Type of Common Ownership, Anna di Robilant
Property and Democratic Deliberation: The Numerus Clausus Principle and Democratic Experimentalism in Property Law, Anna di Robilant
Haelan Laboratories v. Topps Chewing Gum: Publicity as a Legal Right, Stacey Dogan
Principled Standards vs. Boundless Discretion: A Tale of Two Approaches to Intermediary Trademark Liability Online, Stacey Dogan
Charitable Giving, Tax Expenditures, and Direct Spending in the United States and the European Union, Lilian Faulhaber
50 Years of Legal Education in Ethiopia: A Memoir, Stanley Z. Fisher
Fidelity, Change, and the Good Constitution, James E. Fleming
Introduction, Symposium on Ronald Dworkin's Religion Without God, James E. Fleming
Liberty, James E. Fleming and Linda C. McClain
The Myth of Strict Scrutiny for Fundamental Rights, James E. Fleming and Linda C. McClain
Towards Universal Fiduciary Principles, Tamar Frankel
Incorporating Rights: Child Labor in African Agriculture and the Challenge of Changing Practices in the Cocoa Industry, Erika George
Influencing the Impact of Business on Human Rights, Erika George