Submissions from 2013
Leveling the International Playing Field with the Marketplace Fairness Act, Richard Thompson Ainsworth and Boryana Madzharova
E-Verify Can Stop Refund Fraud, Richard Thompson Ainsworth and Andrew Shact
DICE – Digital Invoice Customs Exchange, Richard Thompson Ainsworth and Goran Todorov
Rwanda -- Cutting-Edge VAT Compliance, Richard Thompson Ainsworth and Goran Todorov
VAT -- East African Community: The Tradable Services Problem World-Class Solution, Richard Thompson Ainsworth and Goran Todorov
Millennium Development Goals and the Protection of Displaced and Refugee Women and Girls, Susan M. Akram
The Legal Trajectory of the Palestinian Refugee Issue: From Exclusion to Ambiguity, Susan M. Akram
The Rights of Palestinian Refugees and Territorial Solutions in Historic Palestine, Susan M. Akram
The Arab-Israeli Conflict and International Law, Susan M. Akram and S. Michael Lynk
Legally Blind: The Therapeutic Illusion in the SUPPORT Study of Extremely Premature Infants, George J. Annas and Catherine L. Annas
Part One—Adjudication, Michael Asimow, Jack M. Beermann, Anne O'Connell, Jeff Litwak, Anne Young, and Greg Ogden
Robust Offshore Risk Regulation - an Assessment of US, UK and Norwegian Approaches, Michael S. Baram, Preben Hempel Lindøe, and John Paterson
Risk Regulation and Proceduralization: An Assessment of Norwegian and US Risk Regulation in Offshore Oil and Gas Industry, Michael S. Baram, Preben Lindøe, and Geir Sverre Braut
Critical Reflections on Seidman's On Constitutional Disobedience, Hugh Baxter
Niklas Luhmann's Theory of Autopoietic Legal Systems, Hugh Baxter
The New Constitution of the United States: Do We Need One and How Would We Get One?, Jack M. Beermann
Make the Patent “Polluters” Pay: Using Pigovian Fees to Curb Patent Abuse, James Bessen and Brian Love
The Patent Litigation Explosion, James Bessen and Michael J. Meurer
Hunting Stag with Fly Paper: A Hybrid Financial Instrument for Social Enterprise, Dana Brakman Reiser and Steven Dean
Abortion Access in an Era of Constitutional Infidelity, Khiara Bridges
Life in the Balance: Judicial Review of Abortion Regulations, Khiara Bridges
The Dangerous Law of Biological Race, Khiara Bridges
When Pregnancy is an Injury: Rape, Law, and Culture, Khiara M. Bridges
Black Lists and Private Autonomy in EU Contract Law, Daniela Caruso
Qu'ils mangent des contrats: Rethinking Justice in EU Contract Law, Daniela Caruso