Submissions from 2014
Abuse of Rights: The Continental Drug and the Common Law, Anna di Robilant
Property and Deliberation: A New Type of Common Ownership, Anna di Robilant
Property and Democratic Deliberation: The Numerus Clausus Principle and Democratic Experimentalism in Property Law, Anna di Robilant
Haelan Laboratories v. Topps Chewing Gum: Publicity as a Legal Right, Stacey Dogan
Principled Standards vs. Boundless Discretion: A Tale of Two Approaches to Intermediary Trademark Liability Online, Stacey Dogan
Charitable Giving, Tax Expenditures, and Direct Spending in the United States and the European Union, Lilian Faulhaber
50 Years of Legal Education in Ethiopia: A Memoir, Stanley Z. Fisher
Fidelity, Change, and the Good Constitution, James E. Fleming
Introduction, Symposium on Ronald Dworkin's Religion Without God, James E. Fleming
Liberty, James E. Fleming and Linda C. McClain
The Myth of Strict Scrutiny for Fundamental Rights, James E. Fleming and Linda C. McClain
Towards Universal Fiduciary Principles, Tamar Frankel
Incorporating Rights: Child Labor in African Agriculture and the Challenge of Changing Practices in the Cocoa Industry, Erika George
Influencing the Impact of Business on Human Rights, Erika George
Commentary on the OHCHR’s Study on Domestic Law Remedies: Corporate Liability for Gross Human Rights Abuses, Erika George and Lisa J. Laplante
Introduction: Challenging Authority: A Symposium Honoring Derrick Bell, Jasmine Gonzales Rose
Language Disenfranchisement in Juries: A Call for Constitutional Remediation, Jasmine Gonzales Rose
Race Inequity Fifty Years Later: Language Rights Under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Jasmine Gonzales Rose
The Core of Copyright: Authors, Not Publishers, Wendy J. Gordon
The Fair Use Doctrine: Markets, Market Failure and Rights of Use, Wendy J. Gordon
Patent Law Federalism, Paul Gugliuzza
Saving the Federal Circuit, Paul Gugliuzza
Fashioning a General Common Law for Employment in an Age of Statutes, Michael C. Harper
Internalizing The Costs Of Employment Law Violations, Michael C. Harper
Reviving Implied Confidentiality, Woodrow Hartzog