
Submissions from 1990


Pregnancy, Drugs, and the Perils of Prosecution, Wendy K. Mariner, Leonard H. Glantz, and George J. Annas

Surrogate Fatherhood?, Frances H. Miller

The Human Genome Initiative: Probate Court Implications, Frances H. Miller


Professionalism: Rekindled, Reconsidered or Reformulated?, Nancy J. Moore

Control Mechanisms in the Development of a Modern Lex Mercatoria, William W. Park

Double Jeopardy, David Rossman


'Were There No Appeal': The History of Review in American Criminal Courts, David Rossman


Form and Function in the Administration of Justice: The Bill of Rights and Federal Habeas Corpus, Larry Yackle

Submissions from 1989

Historic Court Decision Protects First Amendment Rights of Dissident Aliens, Susan M. Akram


Doctors and Lawyers and Wolves, George J. Annas


Faith (Healing), Hope and Charity at the FDA: The Politics of AIDS Drug Trials, George J. Annas


Health Law at the Turn of the Century: From White Dwarf to Red Giant, George J. Annas


Predicting the Future of Privacy in Pregnancy: How Medical Technology Affects the Legal Rights of Pregnant Women, George J. Annas


The Politics of Transplantation of Human Fetal Tissue, George J. Annas


The Supreme Court, Privacy, and Abortion, George J. Annas


Amici for Appellees: Brief for Bioethicists for Privacy as Amicus Curiae Supporting Appelles Brief for Bioethicists for Privacy as Amicus Curiae Supporting Appellees, George J. Annas, Leonard H. Glantz, and Wendy K. Mariner


Corporate Risk Management and Risk Communication in the European Community and the United States, Michael S. Baram

Hospital Management of Medical Wastes: Legal Framework and Policy Issues, Michael S. Baram

Risk Communication: Moving from Theory to Law to Practice, Michael S. Baram


A Critical Approach to Section 1983 with Special Attention to Sources of Law, Jack M. Beermann


Bad Judicial Activism and Liberal Federal-Courts Doctrine: A Comment on Professor Doernberg and Professor Redish, Jack M. Beermann


Baseline Questions in Legal Reasoning: The Example of Property in Jobs, Jack M. Beermann and Joseph William Singer

Note sul Marchio Celebre di Impresa Mono-Produttiva, Daniela Caruso

Obbligo di Contrarre e parità di Trattamento nei Contratti di Somministrazione dell'Energia Elettrica, Daniela Caruso


Efficient Remedies for Breach of Warranty, Kenneth Chapman and Michael J. Meurer