Submissions from 1990
Costly Litigation and Legal Error Under Negligence, Keith N. Hylton
Rent Appropriation and the Labor Law Doctrine of Successorship, Keith N. Hylton
The Influence of Litigation Costs on Deterrence Under Strict Liability and Under Negligence, Keith N. Hylton
The Law and Economics of Organ Procurement, Keith N. Hylton
The Delivery of Market Timing Services: Newsletters Versus Market Timing Funds, Alex Kane and Stephen G. Marks
Foundations of Rights Jurisprudence in Israel: Chief Justice Agranat's Legacy, Pnina Lahav
Romanticism and the Golden Age, Pnina Lahav
The Press and National Security, Pnina Lahav
Territorial Governments and the Limits of Formalism, Gary S. Lawson
The Doctor's Changing Role in Allocating U.S. and British Medical Services, Robert G. Lee and Frances H. Miller
Basic Rights and Constitutional Interpretation, David B. Lyons
Rethinking "Original Intent", David B. Lyons
New FDA Drug Approval Policies and HIV Vaccine Development, Wendy K. Mariner
The Ethical Conduct of Clinical Trials of HIV Vaccines, Wendy K. Mariner
The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program in the United States: A Preliminary Overview, Wendy K. Mariner
Pregnancy, Drugs, and the Perils of Prosecution, Wendy K. Mariner, Leonard H. Glantz, and George J. Annas
Surrogate Fatherhood?, Frances H. Miller
The Human Genome Initiative: Probate Court Implications, Frances H. Miller
Professionalism: Rekindled, Reconsidered or Reformulated?, Nancy J. Moore
Control Mechanisms in the Development of a Modern Lex Mercatoria, William W. Park
Double Jeopardy, David Rossman
'Were There No Appeal': The History of Review in American Criminal Courts, David Rossman
Form and Function in the Administration of Justice: The Bill of Rights and Federal Habeas Corpus, Larry Yackle
Submissions from 1989
Historic Court Decision Protects First Amendment Rights of Dissident Aliens, Susan M. Akram
Doctors and Lawyers and Wolves, George J. Annas