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McGill University




L'auteur explore le rile complexe de 'arbitrage dans le rglement des difflrends financiers intemationaux impliquant des dettes privies et publiques. II onus rappelle que le diveloppement 6conomique global bnlficie d'un climat de confiance dons les relations commerciales internationales. Los doctrines juridiques et les procidures qui ajoutent de l'incertitude dans le processus de remboursement des prfts ne peuvent que freiner I'allocation de crdits qui pourraient autrement favoriser le commerce et l'investissement outre-frontikre, particuli~rement dons les pays en vole do diveloppement.

The author explores the complex role of arbitration in the settlement of international financial controversies involving both private and public debt. He reminds us that global economic development benefits from a climate of confidence in international credit relationships. Legal doctrines and procedures that add uncertainty to the process of loan recovery can only discourage extensions of credit that would otherwise foster trans-border trade and investment, particularly in developing countries.


This article is published in French, but includes an English translation of the abstract.

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