Submissions from 1996
Legal Indeterminacy: Its Cause and Cure, Gary S. Lawson
Legal Indeterminacy: Its Cause and Cure, Gary S. Lawson
Outcome, Procedure, and Process: Agency Duties of Explanation for Legal Conclusions, Gary S. Lawson
The Executive Power of Constitutional Interpretation, Gary S. Lawson and Christopher D. Moore
Federal Law and Athletic Eligibility for Students with Disabilities, Gerald F. Leonard
Civil Disobedience, David B. Lyons
Political Liberalism, John Rawls. Columbia University Press, 1993, xxxiv + 401 pages., David B. Lyons
Political Responsibility and Resistance to Civil Government, David B. Lyons
Utilitarianism, David B. Lyons
Liability for Managed Care Decisions: The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) and the Uneven Playing Field, Wendy K. Mariner
State Regulation of Managed Care and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, Wendy K. Mariner
Utility and Community: Musings on the Tort/Crime Distinction, Stephen G. Marks
Teaching Macroeconomics by the Case Method, Stephen G. Marks and Michael G. Rukstad
'Irresponsible' Reproduction, Linda C. McClain
Capitation & Physician Autonomy: Master of the Universe or New Prisoner's Dilemma? (What can Britain's National Health Service Experience Teach Us?), Frances H. Miller
Doctor Profiling: Why Physicians? Why Now? (& a Realistic Appraisal of Your Concerns), Frances H. Miller
Foreword: The Promise and Problems of Capitation, Frances H. Miller
Gag Clauses, Medical Ethics and the Law, Frances H. Miller
Illuminating Patient Choice: Releasing Physician-Specific Data to the Public, Frances H. Miller
Legal Ramifications of the NCCN Practice Guidelines, Frances H. Miller
Conflicts of Interests in the Representation of Children, Nancy J. Moore
Implications of Circle Chevrolet for Attorney Malpractice and Attorney Ethics, Nancy J. Moore
Legal and Policy Implications of the Flexible Employment Relationship, Maria O'Brien
A False Start?: The Impact of Federal Policy on the Genotechnology Industry, Maureen A. O'Rourke
Fields and Gardens: The Why and Wherefore of Arbitration, William W. Park