Submissions from 2012
Effect of Financial Relationships on the Behaviors of Health Care Professionals: A Review of the Evidence, Christopher Robertson, Susannah Rose, and Aaron Kesselheim
Formalism and Realism in Fifteenth-century English Law: Bodies Corporate and Bodies Natural, David J. Seipp
Review of Robert Paynell's King's Bench Reports (1625–1627) by Bryson W.H. (ed.)., David J. Seipp
Unsexing the End of Men: A Response to Darren Rosenblum’s Unsex Mothering: Toward a Culture of New Parenting, Katharine B. Silbaugh
An Overview of State Anti-Bullying Legislation and other Related Laws, Katharine B. Silbaugh, Dena Sacco, Felipe Corredor, June Casey, and David Doherty
Images in/of Law, Jessica Silbey
Persuasive Visions: Film and Memory, Jessica Silbey
Ignorance and Mistake of Criminal Law, Noncriminal Law, and Fact, Kenneth Simons
Is Strict Criminal Liability in the Grading of Offenses Consistent with Retributive Desert?, Kenneth Simons
Statistical Knowledge Deconstructed, Kenneth Simons
Economic Depreciation, Accrual Taxation, and the Samuelson Theorem: An Essay on the Structure of Capital Income Taxation, Theodore S. Sims
On the Use and Abuse of Necessity in the Law of State Responsibility, Robert D. Sloane
Taking Stock Ten Years In: COIN, Casualties, and Costs in the Long War - An Introduction, Robert D. Sloane
The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, Robert D. Sloane
The Litigation Finance Contract, Maya Steinitz
Introduction: The Politics of Hate, Robert L. Tsai
Reverse Regulatory Arbitrage: An Auction Approach to Regulatory Assignments, Frederick Tung and M Todd Henderson
Paying Bank Examiners for Performance, Frederick Tung and M. Todd Henderson
Bank CEOs, Inside Debt Compensation, and the Global Financial Crisis, Frederick Tung and Xue Wang
A Federal Compulsory Vaccination Plan, Michael Ulrich
Resource Restraints: Rethinking Disclosure of Individual Genomic Findings, Michael Ulrich
With Child, Without Rights?: Restoring a Pregnant Woman's Right to Refuse Medical Treatment Through the HIV Lens, Michael Ulrich
The Impact of Public Disclosure on Equity Dispositions by Corporate Managers, David I. Walker
Who Bears the Cost of Excessive Executive Compensation (and Other Corporate Agency Costs)?, David I. Walker
The Plight of the Individual Investor in Securities Class Actions, David H. Webber