Submissions from 2011
Tweeting to Topple Tyranny, Social Media and Corporate Social Responsibility: A Reply to Anupam Chander, Erika George
The Exclusion of Non-English-Speaking Jurors: Remedying a Century of Denial of the Sixth Amendment in the Federal Courts of Puerto Rico, Jasmine Gonzales Rose
Fair Use Markets: On Weighing Potential License Fees, Wendy J. Gordon
Veterans Benefits in 2010: A New Dialogue Between the Supreme Court and the Federal Circuit, Paul Gugliuzza
A Gap in the Agenda: Enhancing the Regulation of Age Discrimination in Employment, Michael C. Harper
Eliminating the Need for Caps on Title VII Damage Awards: The Shield of Kolstad v. American Dental Association, Michael C. Harper
Website Design as Contract, Woodrow Hartzog
Federalizing Medicaid, Nicole Huberfeld
The New Financial Deal: Understanding the Dodd-Frank Act and Its (Unintended) Consequences, Cornelius K. Hurley
The Federal Home Loan Bank System: A Vehicle for Job Creation and Job Retention, Cornelius K. Hurley and Rebecca Hicks Gallup
Brown Shoe Versus the Horizontal Merger Guidelines, Keith N. Hylton
Efficient Deterrence and Crime Control, Keith N. Hylton
Property Rules and Defensive Conduct in Tort Law Theory, Keith N. Hylton
The Economics of Nuisance Law, Keith N. Hylton
American and European Monopolization Law: A Doctrinal and Empirical Comparison, Keith N. Hylton and Haizhen Lin
Church and State: An Economic Analysis, Keith N. Hylton, Yulia Rodionova, and Fei Deng
Untangling Belligerency from Neutrality in the Conflict with Al-Qaeda, Rebecca Ingber
Called 'Out' at Home: The One Strike Eviction Policy and Juvenile Court, Wendy J. Kaplan and David Rossman
The Second Amendment as Interpreted by Congress and the Court, Sean J. Kealy
Optimal Specificity in the Law of Separation of Powers: The Numerous Clauses Principle, Gary S. Lawson
Rebel without a Clause: The Irrelevance of Article VI to Constitutional Supremecy, Gary S. Lawson
Truth, Justice, and the Libertarian Way(s), Gary S. Lawson
Bad News for Professor Koppelman: The Incidental Unconstitutionality of the Individual Mandate, Gary S. Lawson and David Kopel
The American Experience with Territorial Governance, Gary S. Lawson and Guy I. Seidman
Framing the Fourth, Tracey Maclin