Submissions from 2012
The Role of Statutory and Local Rules in Allocating Water between Large- and Small-Scale Irrigators in an African River Catchment, Madison Condon, Hans Komakech, and Pieter van der Zaag
The Tax Expenditure Budget Is a Zombie Accountant, Steven Dean
Common Ownership and Equality of Autonomy, Anna di Robilant
Structuring Jurisdictional Rules and Standards, Scott Dodson and Elizabeth McCuskey
Private Regulation of Consumer Arbitration, Christopher R. Drahozal and Samantha Zyontz
The Hidden Limits of the Charitable Deduction: An Introduction to Hypersalience, Lilian Faulhaber
Defusing Implicit Bias, Jonathan Feingold and Karen Lorang
Living Originalism and Living Constitutionalism as Moral Readings of the American Constitution, James E. Fleming
The Balkinization of Originalism, James E. Fleming
Securitization (Asset-Backed Securities and Structured Financing), Tamar Frankel
The Failure of Investor Protection by Disclosure, Tamar Frankel
Patent Infringement in the Context of Follow-on Biologics, Janet Freilich
The 2012 ICC Rules of Arbitration, Jason Fry and Victoria Sahani
Diffusion Tensor Imaging Shows Structural Remodeling of Stroke Mirror Region: Results from a Pilot Study, Cristina Granziera, Hakan Ay, Susan P. Koniak, Gunner Kruegger, and A. Gregory Sorensen
Pluralism on Appeal, Paul Gugliuzza
Rethinking Federal Circuit Jurisdiction, Paul Gugliuzza
The New Federal Circuit Mandamus, Paul Gugliuzza
Placing British Employment Law In Context, Michael Harper
First Amendment Protection for Union Appeals to Consumers, Michael C. Harper
Reforming the Age Discrimination in Employment Act: Proposals and Prospects, Michael C. Harper
Chain-Link Confidentiality, Woodrow Hartzog
Federal Spending and Compulsory Maternity, Nicole Huberfeld
Post-Reform Medicaid before the Court: Discordant Advocacy Reflects Conflicting Attitudes, Nicole Huberfeld
The Politics of Medicaid, Nicole Huberfeld
An Economic Perspective on Preemption, Keith N. Hylton