Submissions from 2012
New Private Law Theory and Tort Law: A Comment, Keith N. Hylton
Some Notes on Property Rules, Liability Rules, and Criminal Law, Keith N. Hylton
The Economics of Necessity, Keith N. Hylton
The Economics of Third-Party Financed Litigation, Keith N. Hylton
Trial Selection Theory and Evidence, Keith N. Hylton and Haizhen Lin
Dispositions and Sentencing Advocacy, Wendy J. Kaplan and J.W. Carney Jr.
Civil Consequences of Criminal Cases, Wendy J. Kaplan and Howard Friedman
American Influence on Israeli Law: Freedom of Expression, Pnina Lahav
Justice Miriam Ben Porat, In Memoriam, Pnina Lahav
Dead Document Walking, Gary S. Lawson
No History, No Certainty, No Legitimacy . . . No Problem: Originalism and the Limits of Legal Theory, Gary S. Lawson
Bad News for John Marshall, Gary S. Lawson and David Kopel
The PPACA in Wonderland, Gary S. Lawson and David Kopel
Punishment Without Conviction: Controlling the Use of Unconvicted Conduct in Federal Sentencing, Gerald F. Leonard and Christine Dieter
Constitutional Principles, David B. Lyons
Violence and Political Incivility, David B. Lyons
No More Chipping Away: The Roberts Court Uses An Axe to Take Out the Fourth Amendment Exclusionary Rule, Tracey Maclin and Jennifer Marie Rader
The Affordable Care Act and Health Promotion: The Role of Insurance in Defining Responsibility for Health Risks and Costs, Wendy K. Mariner
The Affordable Care Act Individual Coverage Requirement: Ways to Frame the Commerce Clause Issue, Wendy K. Mariner
Reframing Federalism — The Affordable Care Act (and Broccoli) in the Supreme Court, Wendy K. Mariner, George J. Annas, and Leonard H. Glantz
Constitutional and Religious Redemption: Assessing Jack Balkin's Call for a 'Constitutional Project’, Linda C. McClain
Marriage Pluralism, Family Law Jurisdiction, and Sex Equality in the United States, Linda C. McClain
Nature, Culture, and Social Engineering: Reflections on Evolution and Equality, Linda C. McClain
Clarity and Clarification: Grable Federal Questions in the Eyes of Their Beholders, Elizabeth McCuskey
The Private and Social Costs of Patent Trolls, Michael J. Meurer, James Bessen, and Jennifer Ford