Submissions from 2013
The Duty to Rescue in Genomic Research, Michael Ulrich
Teaching WestlawNext: Next Steps for Teachers of Legal Research, Ronald E. Wheeler
Young Again, Larry Yackle
Do NPEs Matter? Non-Practicing Entities and Patent Litigation Outcomes, Samantha Zyontz, Michael J. Mazzeo, and Jonathan H. Ashtor
Explaining the ‘Unpredictable’: An Empirical Analysis of U.S. Patent Infringement Awards, Samantha Zyontz, Michael J. Mazzeo, and Jonathan Hillel
Submissions from 2012
The Emerging Enforcement Practice of the International Criminal Court, Hirad Abtahi and Steven Arrigg Koh
“We Have the Right Not to Be Rescued...”: When Anti-Trafficking Programmes Undermine the Health and Well-Being of Sex Workers, Aziza Ahmed and Meena Seshu
An American Look at Zappers: A Paper for the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Revisionssicheres System Zur Aufzeichnung Von Kassenvorgängen Und Messinformationenthe, Richard Thompson Ainsworth
A Perfect Storm in the EU VAT: Kittel, 'R' and MARC, Richard Thompson Ainsworth
Black Swans: Recapitulative Statements/VIES (VAT) & Use Tax Reciprocity (RST), Richard Thompson Ainsworth
Mahagében KFT & Péter Dávid: Re-Directing the EU VAT's Perfect Storm, Richard Thompson Ainsworth
Refund Fraud? Real-Time Solution!, Richard Thompson Ainsworth
Refund Fraud? - Real-Time Solution! Digital Security Borrowed from the VAT (Brazil, Quebec, & Belgium), Richard Thompson Ainsworth
VAT Experimentation -- New York & Illinois, Richard Thompson Ainsworth
VAT Fraud in the Customer Chain - The German Perfect Storm Cases, Richard Thompson Ainsworth
VAT Fraud & Triangulation, Richard Thompson Ainsworth
VAT Triangulation with a US Middleman VSTR, C-587/10, Richard Thompson Ainsworth
Real-Time Collection of the Value-Added Tax: Some Business and Legal Implications, Richard Thompson Ainsworth and Boryana Madzharova
Transfer Pricing: Data Dumps and Comparability - US, UK, Canadian, and Australian Case Studies, Richard Thompson Ainsworth and Andrew Shact
Transfer Pricing: The CUP -- Case Studies: Australia, US, UK, Norway and Canada, Richard Thompson Ainsworth and Andrew Shact
Medical Devices Excise Tax (MDET) -- A Market-Specific VAT?, Richard Thompson Ainsworth, Andrew Shact, and Gail Wasylyshyn
Why the 'Originalism' in 'Living Originalism'?, Hugh Baxter
Jewish Identity and Judging: Seymour Simon of Illinois, Jack M. Beermann