Submissions from 2015
Will Uncooperative Federalism Survive NFIB?, Abigail Moncrieff and Jonathan Dinerstein
Why is There No Clear Doctrine of Informed Consent for Lawyers?, Nancy J. Moore
Financial Rewards for Whistleblowing Lawyers, Nancy J. Moore and Kathleen Clark
After Tackett: Incomplete Contracts for Post-Employment Healthcare, Maria O'Brien
Redressing HIV/AIDS Discrimination in Nigeria: The Implications of the Anti-Discrimination Act of 2015, Ngozi Okidegbe
Judging Opportunity Lost: Assessing the Viability of Race-Based Affirmative Action After Fisher v. University of Texas, Austin, Angela Onwuachi-Willig, Mario Barnes, and Erwin Chemerinsky
From Outsider Status to Insider and Outsider Again: Interest Convergence Theory and Normalization of LGBT Identity, Angela Onwuachi-Willig and Alexander Nourafshan
What Will It Take to Address the Global Threat of Antibiotic Resistance?, Kevin Outterson and Steven J. Hoffman
Business Model Options for Antibiotics: Learning from Other Industries, Kevin Outterson, Ella Jaczynska, and Jorge Mestre-Ferrandiz
Repairing the Broken Market for Antibiotic Innovation, Kevin Outterson, John H. Powers, Gregory W. Daniel, and Mark B. McClellan
The Novel New Jersey Eyewitness Instruction Induces Skepticism but Not Sensitivity, Athan Papailiou, David Yokum, and Christopher Robertson
Arbitrator Bias, William W. Park
Challenging Arbitral Jurisdiction: The Role of Institutional Rules, William W. Park
Dreptul Arbitral, Explicat, William W. Park
Equality of Arms in Arbitration: Cost and Benefits, William W. Park
Explaining Arbitration Law, William W. Park
Gaps and Changed Circumstances in Energy Contracts: The Devil in the Detail, William W. Park
Lord Mustill and the Channel Tunnel Case, William W. Park
Michael Mustill: a reminiscence, William W. Park
A Problem Not Yet Manifest: Gaps in Insurance Coverage of Medical Interventions After Genetic Testing, Christopher Robertson
Do Observer Effects Matter? A Comment on Langenburg, Bochet, and Ford, Christopher Robertson
New DTCA Guidance — Enough to Empower Consumers?, Christopher Robertson
Preserving Public Trust and Demanding Accountability (Introduction to Part II), Christopher Robertson
Scaling and Splitting, New Approaches to Health Insurance, Christopher Robertson
Scaling Cost-Sharing to Wages: How Employers Can Reduce Health Spending and Provide Greater Economic Security, Christopher Robertson