Submissions from 2015
Marbury Moments, Steven Arrigg Koh
Religious Citizenship/Secular Citizenship, Pnina Lahav
Sixty Years since the Kol Ha'am Decision: What More Is There to Say, Pnina Lahav
The Women of the Wall: A Metaphor for National and Religious Identity, Pnina Lahav
Comments on the OECD's 'Due Diligence Guidance for Meaningful Stakeholder Engagement in the Extractives Sector', Lisa J. Laplante and Erika George
Inigo Montoya Goes to War, Gary S. Lawson
Time, Institutions, and Adjudication, Gary S. Lawson
Understanding State Constitutions: Locke and Key, Gary S. Lawson
Book Review: The Color of Our Shame: Race and Justice in Our Time, by Christopher J. Lebron, David B. Lyons
Reparations for Slavery and Jim Crow, Its Assumptions and Implications, David B. Lyons
The Utilitarian Justification of the State, David B. Lyons
A Comprehensive Analysis of the History of Interrogation Law, with Some Shots Directed at Miranda v. Arizona, Tracey Maclin
Government Analysis of Shed DNA Is a Search under the Fourth Amendment, Tracey Maclin
The Picture Begins to Assert Itself: Rules of Construction for Essential Health Benefits in Health Insurance Plans Subject to the Affordable Care Act, Wendy K. Mariner
Informed Consent and the First Amendment, Wendy K. Mariner and George J. Annas
Corporate Conscience and the Contraceptive Mandate: A Dworkinian Reading, Linda C. McClain
Is There a Way Forward in the 'War over the Family'?, Linda C. McClain
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and 'Legislating Morality': On Conscience, Prejudice, and Whether 'Stateways' Can Change 'Folkways', Linda C. McClain
The Family and Medical Leave Act, Work/Family Policy, and Family Values in the Clinton and Obama Administrations: A Story of Progress and Unfinished Business, Linda C. McClain
The Intersection of Civil and Religious Family Law in the U.S. Constitutional Order: A Mild Legal Pluralism, Linda C. McClain
Dworkin's Perfectionism, Linda C. McClain and James E. Fleming
The Space between Two Worlds: Forward to the Health Law, Elizabeth McCuskey
Villanelle for Susan Martyn, Elizabeth McCuskey
The Argument that Wasn't' and 'King, Chevron, and the Age of Textualism, Abigail Moncrieff