Submissions from 2024
On the Role of Courts in Climate Policy: Comment on Lando, Keith N. Hylton
Tort Theory and the Restatement, in Retrospect, Keith N. Hylton
Trial Selection and Estimating Damages Equations, Keith N. Hylton
Utility, Copyright, and Fair Use after Warhol, Keith N. Hylton
Selling and Abandoning Legal Rights, Keith N. Hylton
A Program to Improve the Efficiency and Quality of Patent Examination, Keith N. Hylton and Madisyn Lynn Richards
Criminal Law's Hidden Consensus, Steven Arrigg Koh
Teaching "Is This Case Rightly Decided?", Steven Arrigg Koh
Expanding antibiotic, vaccine, and diagnostics development and access to tackle antimicrobial resistance, Ramanan Laxminarayan, Isabella Impalli, Radha Rangarajan, Jennifer Cohn, Kavi Ramjeet, Betsy Wonderly Trainor, Steffanie Strathdee, Nithima Sumpradit, Daniel M. Berman, Heiman Wertheim, Kevin Outterson, Padmini Srikantiah, and Ursula Theuretzbacher
Against Monetary Primacy, Yair Listokin and Rory Van Loo
The Impact of Foreign Investors' Challenges to Domestic Regulations, Mark Maffett, Mario Milone, and Weijia Rao
Chapter 8: The Promise and Perils of Technology and Gender in the Courts, Naomi M. Mann
Afreeist Legal Theory and the Problem of Innocence, Stephen G. Marks
Sports Participation by Athletes With Cardiovascular Disease, Matthew W. Martinez, Michael J. Ackerman, George J. Annas, Aaron L. Baggish, Sharlene M. Day, Kimberly G. Harmon, Jonathan H. Kim, Benjamin D. Levine, Margot Putukian, and Rachel Lampert
Reply Brief for Plaintiff-Appellant Brandon Velez, Stephen T. Martin, Seth J. Hipple, and Madeline H. Meth
Opening Brief for Plaintiff-Appellant Brandon Velez, Stephen T. Martin, Seth J. Hipple, Madeline H. Meth, Elise Chigier, Bilal Mubarack, and Daniel Siemers
Do Public Accommodations Laws Compel “What Shall Be Orthodox”?: The Role of Barnette in 303 Creative LLC v. Eleni, Linda C. McClain
Changes in revenues associated with antimicrobial reimbursement reforms in Germany, Matt McEnany and Kevin Outterson
Reply Brief for Plaintiff-Appellant Rocky Freeman, Madeline H. Meth
Opening Brief for Plaintiff-Appellant Rocky Freeman, Madeline H. Meth, Sanketh Bhaskar, Henry Drembus, and Brianna Jordan
Race, Racial Bias, and Imputed Liability Murder, Perry Moriearty, Kat Albrecht, and Caitlin Glass
The War on Higher Education, Athena Mutua and Jonathan Feingold
Chapter 9: Liability Insurance Issues for Fraternal Organizations, Maria O'Brien
VII. Judge Merritt and Sexual (Mis)Conduct in the Workplace, Maria O'Brien
Chapter 16: Revisioning Algorithms as a Black Feminist Project, Ngozi Okidegbe