Submissions from 2024
A Conversation on the Carceral Home, Ngozi Okidegbe, Kate Weisburd, Emmett Sanders, and James Kilgore
Moving Beyond Statements and Good Intentions in U.S. Law Schools, Angela Onwuachi-Willig
Counseling Oppression, Angelo Petrigh
A Second Look: Local Labor Markets and The Impact of Ban the Box Policies After Criminal Legal Involvement, Benjamin David Pyle
Against Engagement, Neil Richards and Woodrow Hartzog
The US Preventive Services Task Force in Legal Jeopardy, Christopher Robertson, Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo, and Gregory D. Curfman
Structural Sex Discrimination: Why Gynecology Patients Suffer Avoidable Injuries and What the Law Can Do About It, Christopher Robertson, Annabel Kupke, and Louise P. King
Immigration Detention Abolition and the Violence of Digital Cages, Sarah R. Sherman-Stokes
The Ebb, Flow, and Twilight of Presidential Removal, Jed Handelsman Shugerman
Major Questions About Presidentialism: Untangling the “Chain of Dependence” Across Administrative Law, Jed Handelsman Shugerman and Jodi L. Short
Regulating Social Media Through Family Law, Katharine B. Silbaugh and Adi Caplan-Bricker
A Matter of Facts: The Evolution of Copyright’s Fact-Exclusion and Its Implications for Disinformation and Democracy, Jessica Silbey
How Do You Like your Books, Jessica Silbey
What the Warhol Court Got Wrong: Use as an Artist Reference and the Derivative Work Doctrine, Jessica Silbey and Eva Subotnik
Kafka in the Age of AI and the Futility of Privacy as Control, Daniel Solove and Woodrow Hartzog
The Great Scrape: The Clash Between Scraping and Privacy, Daniel J. Solove and Woodrow Hartzog
Zombie Litigation: Claim Aggregation, Litigant Autonomy and Funders' Intermeddling, Maya Steinitz
Marketing, Other Intangibles, and Output Growth in 61 United States Industries, Leo Sveikauskas, Rachel Soloveichik, Corby Garner, Peter B. Meyer, James Bessen, and Matthew Russell
Becoming Steve Bright, Robert L. Tsai
Chapter 3: Civic Education and Democracy's Flaws, Robert L. Tsai
Roads Not Taken on Affirmative Action, Robert L. Tsai
Abortion Politics and the Rise of Movement Jurists, Robert L. Tsai and Mary Ziegler
Practicing Medicine in the Culture Wars — Gender-Affirming Care and the Battles over Clinician Autonomy, Michael Ulrich
Cuing Safety in the Law School Classroom: Using a Polyvagal Theory Framework in Support of Trauma-Informed Teaching Practices, Gigi Walker and Brian Flaherty
Submissions from 2023
Feminist Legal Theory and Praxis after Dobbs: Science, Politics, and Expertise, Aziza Ahmed