Submissions from 2023
What STS Can (and Can’t) Do for Law and Technology, Woodrow Hartzog
Initiation Payments, Scott Hirst
Saving Climate Disclosure, Scott Hirst
How Much Do Investors Care about Social Responsibility?, Scott Hirst, Kobi Kastiel, and Tamar Kricheli-Katz
Federalism, Leadership, and COVID-19: Evolving Lessons for the Public’s Health, Nicole Huberfeld
High Stakes, Bad Odds: Health Laws and the Revived Federalism Revolution, Nicole Huberfeld
Private Actions to Protect Medicaid Live to See Another Day, Nicole Huberfeld
A Comment on Markovits's Welfare Economics and Antitrust, Keith N. Hylton
A Patent and a Prize, Keith N. Hylton
Information Costs and the Civil Justice System, Keith N. Hylton
Mutual Optimism and Risk Preferences in Litigation, Keith N. Hylton
Originalism, Official History, and Perspectives versus Methodologies, Keith N. Hylton
Two Approaches to Equality, with Implications for Grutter, Keith N. Hylton
Waivers, Keith N. Hylton
The effectiveness of financial incentives for COVID-19 vaccination: A systematic review, Gabriela K. Khazanov, Rebecca Stewart, Matteo F. Pieri, Candice Huang, Christopher Robertson, K. Aleks Schaefer, Hansoo Ko, and Jessica Fishman
How Do Prosecutors "Send a Message"?, Steven Arrigg Koh
Policing & The Problem of Physical Restraint, Steven Arrigg Koh
Prosecution and Polarization, Steven Arrigg Koh
Understanding Dark Patterns in Home IoT Devices, Monica Kowalczyk, Johanna Gunawan, David Choffnes, Daniel J. Dubois, Woodrow Hartzog, and Christo Wilson
Pulse Oximeters and Violation of Federal Antidiscrimination Law, Annabel Kupke, Carmel Shachar, and Christopher Robertson
Command and Control: Operationalizing the Unitary Executive, Gary S. Lawson
The Ghosts of Chevron Present and Future, Gary S. Lawson
Congressional Meddling In Presidential Elections: Still Unconstitutional After All These Years; A Comment On Sunstein, Gary S. Lawson and Jack M. Beermann
Against the Chenery II "Doctrine", Gary S. Lawson and Joseph Postell
Why the Court Should Reexamine Administrative Law's Chenery II Doctrine, Gary S. Lawson and Joseph Postell