
Submissions from 1988

Danno da Rapina (al Dipendente) e Responsibilità della Banca, Daniela Caruso

Illecita Percezione di Interessi e Tutela Aquiliana del Credito, Daniela Caruso

Il "Nom d'Usage": Una Riforma a Metà?, Daniela Caruso

Leasing e Clausola Penale, Daniela Caruso

Quando il Remedio é Peggiore del Male: Emoderivati Infetti e Responsabilità civile, Daniela Caruso


In Search of the Virtuous Prosecutor: A Conceptual Framework, Stanley Z. Fisher


Reconciling Collective Bargaining with Employee Supervision of Management, Michael C. Harper

The Scope of the Duty to Bargain Concerning Business Transformations, Michael C. Harper

Performance Evaluation of Market Timers: Theory and Evidence, Alex Kane and Stephen G. Marks

The Strategic Value of Flexibility: Reducing the Ability to Compromise, Nalin Kulatilaka and Stephen G. Marks


A Barrel Without Hoops: The Impact of Counterterrorism on Israel's Legal Culture, Pnina Lahav


Holmes and Brandeis: Libertarian and Republican Justifications for Free Speech, Pnina Lahav


In Praise of Woodenness, Gary S. Lawson


The Ethics of Insider Trading, Gary S. Lawson


The Ethics of Insider Trading, Gary S. Lawson

The Inconsistent Treatment Of Secured Tax Claims In Liquida, Steven B. Levine

Ambiguity, Incoherence, and Evaluation in Constitutional Theory, David B. Lyons


A Preface to Constitutional Theory, David B. Lyons

Review of Bentham by Ross Harrison, David B. Lyons


Informed Consent in the Post-Modern Era, Wendy K. Mariner

La reglementation de la recherche biomedicale aux Etats Unis: le cas de l'experimentation sur l'embryon, Wendy K. Mariner


Social Goals and Doctors' Roles: Commentary on the Essays of Robert M. Cook-Deegan and Stuart F. Spicker, Wendy K. Mariner

Teaching Antitrust to Health Law Students: Peer Review As a Case Study, Frances H. Miller

Vertical Restraints and Powerful Health Insurers: Exclusionary Conduct Masquerading as Managed Care?, Frances H. Miller

'Two Steps Forward, One Step Back': An Analysis of New Jersey's Latest 'Right-To-Die' Decisions, Nancy J. Moore