Submissions from 2022
Escaping the Allure of Joint Employment: Using Fault-Based Principles to Impose Liability for the Denial of Employee Statutory Rights, Michael C. Harper
Legislating Data Loyalty, Woodrow Hartzog and Neil Richards
The Surprising Virtues of Data Loyalty, Woodrow Hartzog and Neil M. Richards
Big Three Power, and Why It Matters, Scott Hirst and Lucian Bebchuk
Hidden Agendas in Shareholder Voting, Scott Hirst and Adriana Z. Robertson
Medicaid, the Supreme Court, and Safe Care for Nursing Home Residents, Nicole Huberfeld
American Public Health Federalism and the Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Nicole Huberfeld, Sarah Gordon, and David K. Jones
(Un)stable BITs, Cree Jones and Weijia Rao
Toward Evidence-Based Antiracist Policymaking: Problems and Proposals for Better Racial Data Collection and Reporting, Neda Khoshkhoo, Aviva Geiger Schwarz, Luisa Godinez Puig, Caitlin Glass, Geoffrey S. Holtzman, Elaine O. Nsoesie, and Jasmine Gonzales Rose
“Cancel Culture” and Criminal Justice, Steven Arrigg Koh
Introductory Note to Prosecutor v. Ratko Mladić (U.N. Int’l Residual Mechanism Crim. Tribunals App. Chamber), Steven Arrigg Koh
A Private-Law Framework for Subdelegation, Gary S. Lawson
Equivocal Originalism, Gary S. Lawson
The Epistemology of Second Best, Gary S. Lawson
Are People in Federal Territories Part of “We the People of the United States”?, Gary S. Lawson and Guy Seidman
Review of Daniel Webster and the Unfinished Constitution by Peter Charles Hoffer, Gerald F. Leonard
Consumer Law as an Axis of Economic Inequality, Daniel Markovits, Barak D. Richman, and Rory Van Loo
Delaware's Dominance, Wyoming's Dare: New Challenge, Same Outcome?, Pierluigi Matera
Liberal Feminist Jurisprudence: Foundational, Enduring, Adaptive, Linda C. McClain and Brittany K. Hacker
Chapter 22: Subject Matter Jurisdiction: The Interests of Power and the Power of Interests, Elizabeth McCuskey
State Cost-Control Reforms and ERISA Preemption, Elizabeth McCuskey
Ethical Duties of Class Counsel Also Representing Class Representatives, Nancy J. Moore
Red Creative: Culture and Modernity in China, Maria O'Brien
Discredited Data, Ngozi Okidegbe
Of Afrofuturism, Of Algorithms, Ngozi Okidegbe