Submissions from 2023
Unmasking AALL’s IDEA Special Committee: A Closer Look at the Committee’s Process for Creating AALL’s New Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Policy, Ronald E. Wheeler
Reply Brief for Petitioner, Ferguson v. America, Brian Wolfman and Madeline H. Meth
Submissions from 2022
Abortion Experts, Aziza Ahmed
A Critique of Expertise for Health Law, Aziza Ahmed
Commentary on Reynolds v. McNichols, Aziza Ahmed
Feminism’s Medicine: Law, Science, and Social Movements in the AIDS Response, Aziza Ahmed
Recovering Feminist Lessons From the Past For a Less Carceral Future, Aziza Ahmed
Race, Racism, and the Law, Aziza Ahmed and Guy-Uriel Charles
Gender Violence, Aziza Ahmed, Donna Coker, Leigh Goodmark, and Deborah Weissman
The Public/Private Distinction in Public Health: The Case of COVID-19, Aziza Ahmed and Jason Jackson
Bargaining for Abolition, Zohra Ahmed
The Right to Counsel in a Neoliberal Age, Zohra Ahmed
Palestinian Refugees, Susan M. Akram
A Comparative Perspective on Safe Third and First Country of Asylum Policies in the United Kingdom and North America: Legal Norms, Principles and Lessons Learned, Susan M. Akram and Elizabeth Ruddick
Trust, Brutality, and Human Dignity: How “Partial Birth Abortion” Helps Shape American Biopolitics, George J. Annas
ESG and Private Ordering, Michal Barzuza, Quinn Curtis, and David H. Webber
Are Rules Effective Before Publication? Reflections on the D.C. Circuit’s Decision in Humane Society v. USDA, Jack M. Beermann
Nondelegation and Originalism, Jack M. Beermann
Seila Law: Is There a There There?, Jack M. Beermann
The 1876 Election: A Fictionalized Account, Jack M. Beermann
The Role of Departments in the Design of the Federal Government, Jack M. Beermann
Interpretation, Remedy, and the Rule of Law: Why Courts Should Have the Courage of Their Convictions, Jack M. Beermann and Ronald A. Cass
The Electoral Count Mess: The Electoral Count Act of 1887 Is Unconstitutional, and Other Fun Facts (Plus a Few Random Academic Speculations) about Counting Electoral Votes, Jack M. Beermann and Gary S. Lawson
The Remainder Effect: How Automation Complements Labor Quality, James Bessen, Erich Denk, and Chen Meng