
Submissions from 2018


Letter to the Hon. Sen. Orrt (NYS Senate) Regarding Litigation Finance (Lawsuit Lending) (2018), Maya Steinitz


Testimony on Third Party Financing of Lawsuits, Maya Steinitz

Discovery, Research, and Development of New Antibiotics: The WHO Priority List of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria and Tuberculosis, Evelina Tacconelli, Elena Carrara, Alessia Savoldi, Stephan Harbarth, Marc Mendelson, Dominique L. Monnet, Celine Pulcini, Gunnar Kahlmeter, Jan Kluytmans, Yehuda Carmeli, Marc Ouellette, Kevin Outterson, Jean Patel, Marco Cavaleri, Edward M. Cox, Chris R. Houchens, M Lindsay Grayson, Paul Hansen, Nalini Singh, Ursula Theuretzbacher, Nicola Magrini, and WHO Pathogens Priority List Working Group


Obama's Conversion on Same-Sex Marriage: The Social Foundations of Individual Rights, Robert L. Tsai


Pregnant Women and Equitable Access to Emergency Medical Care, Michael Ulrich

How Religious Refusal Laws Are Harming Sexual Minorities, Michael Ulrich and Julia Raifman


Making Innovation More Competitive: The Case of Fintech, Rory Van Loo


Technology Regulation by Default: Platforms, Privacy, and the CFPB, Rory Van Loo


ADR and Access to Justice: Current Perspectives, Rory Van Loo, Ellen E. Deason, Michael Z. Green, Donna Shestowsky, and Ellen Waldman

Georgia Practice Materials: A Selective Annotated Bibliography, Ronald E. Wheeler

Disorders of Consciousness, Agency, and Health Care Decision Making: Lessons from a Developmental Model, Megan Wright, Claudia Kraft, Michael Ulrich, and Joseph Fins


Corporate Rights as Subplot, Larry Yackle

Investigating the Politics of Legal Empirics: Possible Next Steps, Kathryn Zeiler


What Explains Observed Reluctance to Trade? A Comprehensive Literature Review, Kathryn Zeiler


Crime, Punishment, and Legal Error: A Review of the Experimental Literature, Kathryn Zeiler and Erica Puccetti

Submissions from 2017


Abortion in a Post-Truth Moment: A Response to Erwin Chemerinsky and Michele Goodwin, Aziza Ahmed

Addressing HIV/AIDS at the Intersection of Anti-Trafficking and Health Law and Policy, Aziza Ahmed

Bandung's Legacy: Solidarity and Contestation in Global Women’s Rights, Aziza Ahmed

Pressing Charges: Crook County: Racism and Injustice in America’s Largest Criminal Court, Zohra Ahmed


IRS's CP-2000 E-Mail Scams - Never in Dubai - Common in Canada & the UK, Richard Thompson Ainsworth


Trump & VAT: NAFTA, Trade Barriers & Retaliatory Tariffs, Richard Thompson Ainsworth


Blockchain, Bitcoin, and VAT in the GCC: The Missing Trader Example, Richard Thompson Ainsworth and Musaad Alwohaibi


The First Real-Time Blockchain VAT - GCC Solves MTIC Fraud, Richard Thompson Ainsworth and Musaad Alwohaibi


A VATCoin Proposal Following on The 2017 EU VAT Proposals - MTIC, VATCoin, and BLOCKCHAIN, Richard Thompson Ainsworth, Musaad Alwohaibi, Michael Cheetham, and Camille Tirand


The Technology Requirements of the First Electronic Monitoring Agreement in US for Zappers, Phantomware, and Other Sales Suppression Devices, Richard Thompson Ainsworth and Robert Chicoine