Submissions from 2019
'‘Male Chauvinism’ Is Under Attack from All Sides at Present': Roberts v. United States Jaycees, Sex Discrimination, and the First Amendment, Linda C. McClain
Response to Commentaries on Who’s the Bigot?, Linda C. McClain
Big Waiver under Statutory Sabotage, Elizabeth McCuskey
Price Discrimination & Intellectual Property, Michael J. Meurer and Ben Depoorter
Chapter 8: Is the Preemption Clause of ERISA Unconstitutional?, Andrew Morrison and Elizabeth McCuskey
A Common-Sense Defense of Janus: Forthcoming Changes in the Public Sector, Maria O'Brien
Reconceptualizing the Harms of Discrimination: How Brown v. Board of Education Helped to Further White Supremacy, Angela Onwuachi-Willig
Affirmative Action, David Oppenheimer, Angela Onwuachi-Willig, and Nancy Leong
A shot in the arm for new antibiotics, Kevin Outterson
The global preclinical antibacterial pipeline, Kevin Outterson
Designing Development Programs for Non-Traditional Antibacterial Agents, Kevin Outterson, John Rex, Holly Fernandez Lynch, I. Glen Cohen, and Jonathan Darrow
Unity and Diversity in International Law, William W. Park
Retour sur L’Affaire de L’Alabama: De l’Utilité et de l’Histoire pour l'Arbitrage International, William W. Park and Bruno de Fumichon
Attorney as Accompagnateur: Resilient Lawyering When Victory Is Uncertain or Nearly Impossible,, Danielle Pelfrey Duryea, Margaret Reuter, and Stephen A. Rosenbaum
When Protest is the Disaster: Constitutional Implications of State and Local Emergency Power, Karen Pita Loor
Identifying the Impact of Labor Market Opportunities on Criminal Behavior, J. J. Prescott and Benjamin David Pyle
Development Status and Decision-Making in Investment Treaty Arbitration, Weijia Rao
The Pathologies of Digital Consent, Neil M. Richards and Woodrow Hartzog
The Inability to Self-Diagnose Bias, Christopher Robertson
Why the Duty to Research Falls on Institutions Rather than Individuals, Christopher Robertson
Race and Class: A Randomized Experiment with Prosecutors, Christopher Robertson, Shima Baradaran Baughman, and Megan Wright
Brief for Amici Curiae Christopher T. Robertson, Kelly Bergstrand, and D. Alexander Winkelman in Support of Appellants' Petition for Initial Hearing En Banc, Christopher Robertson, Kelly Bergstrand, and D. Alex Winkelman
A roadmap for sustainably governing the global antimicrobial commons, Susan Rogers Van Katwyk, Manica Balasegaram, Pete Boriello, Jeremy Farrar, Alberto Giubilini, Mark Harrison, Marie-Paule Kieny, Claas Kirchhelle, Joanne Liu, Kevin Outterson, Muhammad Ali Pate, Mathieu Poirier, John-Arne Røttingen, Julian Savulescu, Rebecca Sugden, Visanu Thamlikitkul, Isaac Weldon, Sally Davies, and Steven J. Hoffman
A Hardy Case Makes Bad Law, Victoria Sahani